Новини освіти і науки:
МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Тлумачний словник
Військова справа
Журналістика та ЗМІ
Іноземні мови
Метали і Зварювання
Охорона безпеки життя
Охорона Праці



International law deals with the relationships among nations both in war and in peace. It concerns trade, communications, boundary disputes, methods of warfare and many other matters. Laws to regulate international relations have been developed over the centuries by customs and treaties. But international law, unlike other branches of law, is difficult to enforce. International law covers such matters as: arms control, extradition, hijacking and piracy, human rights, territorial waters, uses of outer space, uses of ocean, war crimes.

International law consists of rules and principles that govern the relations of nations with each other. International law includes the basic, classic concepts of law in nation legal systems – status, property, obligation, and tort (or delict). Customary law and conventional law are primary sources of international law.

The basic rules of international customary law can be summarized in the following fundamental principles: good faith, freedom of seas, international responsibility, and self-defence. Conventional international law derives from international agreements, which create law for the parties of the agreements.

General principles common to systems of national law is a secondary source of international law. There are situations where neither conventional nor customary international law can be applicable. In this case a general principle may be considered as a rule of international law because it is a general principle common to the major legal systems of the world (and not inappropriate for international claims).

International law imposes upon the nations certain duties with respect to individuals. It is a violation of international law to treat an alien in a manner that does not satisfy the international standard of justice. However, if there is no specific agreement, an individual cannot bring the complaint. Only the state of which he is a national can complain of such a violation before an international tribunal.

The sphere of freedom of action for subjects of international law is governed primarily by the rules on sovereignty. The interaction of these rules has brought about secondary rules and legally determined situations. Five of these are of special importance: territory, diplomatic law, and immunity; the protection of nationals abroad; freedom of commerce and navigation; extradition and asylum; and succession to international rights and obligations.

International organizations play an important role in the relations between nations. Their impact on international law is essential. The most influential among international organizations is the United Nations Organization (UN) which was created on June 26, 1945. Ukraine is one of the founding members of this organization. The declared purposes of the United Nations are to maintain peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems. The International Court of Justice is established by the UN Charter as its principal judicial organ.





international, adj. 1. existing between nations: international trade; international agreement; international conferences .2. unions of nations or their representatives: international working-class movements; international trade union meetings; international talks between African foreign ministers.

Syn. universal, global; worldwide, intercontinental


complain, v. (to smb.; about / of smth.), say that one is not satisfied, that smth. is wrong, that one is suffering: She complained to me of his rudeness. We have nothing to complain of (about). He never complains about the pain.

Syn. find fault, bewail, grumble, charge


complaint, n. complaining; statements of , grounds for, dissatisfaction: You have no cause ( grounds) of ( for) complaint. Have you any complaints to make?; to bring (to lodge) a complaint against smb. : Why don’t you lodge (bring) a complaint against your noisy neighbours?

Syn. criticism, accusation, charge


violate, v. 1. break (an oath, a treaty, etc.); act contrary to (what one’s conscience tells one to do, etc.) 2. act towards (a sacred place, smb’s seclusion, etc.) without proper respect: to violate smb’s privacy.

Syn. break, disobey, infringe, transgress Ant. obey, respect, protect


violation, n. violating or being violated; instance of this: act in violation of a treaty; violations of the rights of the citizens; violation of the right of free speech, etc.

Syn. infringement, abuse, breach Ant. respect, protection


party, n. (law) one of the persons or sides in a legal agreement or dispute: the parties in a dispute; the injured party; he was a party to the conspiracy.

Syn. side, defendant, plaintiff, participant




Exercise 1. Consult a dictionary and transcribe the following words.


hijacking relationships sovereignty

piracy violation justice

dispute conventional source

asylum customary purpose


Exercise 2. Find in the text international words and translate them into Ukrainian.


Exercise 3. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate them into Ukrainian.


Exercise 4. Select the word or word combination best suited to the context. Use the Reference List.


Reference List


international disputes arms control

parties (2) international law

violation international customary law

boundary disputes Charter

International Court (2) violating

international relations International Tribunal


1. … and law made by international agreement have equal authority as international law.

2. … may assign higher priority to one of the sources of international law by agreement.

3. In the early days of … it sufficed to have lawyers trained in canon and civil law.

4. The … of the United Nations provided for the equality of states belonging to different socio-political system.

5. In its resolution of November 21, 1947, the UN General Assembly again qualified the principles of the Charter of … and its verdict as being universally recognized norms of international law.

6. The decision of the … has no binding force except between the … and in respect to the particular case.

7. The working languages of the … are English and French.

8. All member states are to settle their … by peaceful means.

9. A … of the public rights and duties due to the whole community considered as a crime.

10. Many famous jurists define a “crime” as an act … the law of the state.


Exercise 5. Find the sentences in the text containing the word combinations and phrases given below. Make up sentences with these word combinations.


subject of international law to bring a complain

methods of warfare international standard of justice

nation legal systems sphere of freedom of action

fundamental principles international organization

international agreement principal judicial organ


Exercise 6. Match the words and their definitions.


extradition - trade (esp. between countries);

the exchange and distribution of goods


piracy - safety, security (from disease, etc.)


asylum - handing over a person from the state

where he is a fugitive to the state where

he is alleged to have committed, or has

been convicted of a crime

commerce - refuge; safety; protection from persecution


immunity - robbery by pirates; using, reproduction

(a book, a recording, one’s works, etc.)

without authority and for one’s own profit


Exercise 7. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


1. arms control 1. міжнародна відповідальність

2. uses of outer space 2. мир і безпека

3. international relations 3. правова система

4. human rights 4. права людини

5. self-defence 5. взаємодія

6. recognition 6. згода

7. international responsibility 7. використання космосу

8. legal system 8. подавати скаргу

9. consent 9. самооборона

10. treaty 10. міжнародні відносини

11. вирішувати проблему

12. визнання

13. контроль за озброєнням

14. договір

15. міжнародний суд


Exercise 9. Match the pairs of synonyms.


International; to complain; complaint; to violate; violation; party; to deal with; trade; dispute; treaty; property; to develop; relations; to enforce; custom; to govern; to consider; alien; to create; tribunal; significance; to bring a complaint; sovereignty; impact; purpose; to establish; protection.


Safety; aim; supreme power; importance; to form; to think; tradition; interaction; ownership; conflict; to concern; infringement; accusation; universal; charge; to break (law); side; commerce; agreement; to progress; to impose; to rule; foreigner; court; to lodge a complaint; influence; to punish.


Exercise 10. Match the pairs of antonyms.


To include; legal; war; to violate; essential; freedom; to create; consent; agreement; difficult; faith; satisfy.


Illegal; to obey; dependence; refusal; easy; dissatisfy; distrust; disagreement; to destroy; minor (secondary); peace; to exclude.


Exercise 11. State if the following sentences are True or False. Correct them if necessary.


1. International law consists of rules and principles that govern the formation and operation of business corporations. (T; F)

2. Customary law and conventional law are primary sources of international law. (T; F)

3. International law covers such matters as arms control, human rights, uses of ocean and intellectual property. (T; F)

4. The sphere of freedom of action for subjects of international law is governed primarily by the rules of sovereignty. (T; F)

5. The declared purposes of the UNO are to maintain peace and security and to develop friendly relations among nations. (T; F)


Exercise 12. Read the text. Choose the best answer.


1. International law deals with …

a) the rights and obligations of people who make contracts.

b) the rights and obligations people have in their relations with one


c) the relationships among nations both in war and in peace.


2. International law covers such matters as …

a) arms control, extradition and asylum, environmental protection.

b) arms control, extradition, hijacking and piracy, war crimes.

c) arms control, extradition and asylum, consumer protection.


3. Conventional international law derives from …

a) international agreements.

b) business contracts.

c) employments contracts.

4. The United Nations Organization was created …

a) on June 26, 1946.

b) on June 26, 1945.

c) on July 26, 1945.


5. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ …

a) of the European Economic Council.

b) of the United Nations Organization.

c) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


Exercise 13. Answer the following questions on the text.


1. What does international law deal with?

2. What matters does international law concern?

3. How the laws regulating international relations have been developed?

4. Why is it difficult to enforce international law?

5. What does international law consist of?

6. What does international law include?

7. What are the primary sources of international law?

8. What are the fundamental principles of international law?

9. What does conventional international law derive from?

10. What is the secondary source of international law?

11. When and why a general principle may be considered as a rule of international law?

12. What does international law impose upon the nations?

13. Is it a violation of international law to treat an alien in a manner that does not satisfy the international standard of justice?

14. In what case an individual can bring a complaint?

15. Is the sphere of action for subjects of international law governed by the rules on sovereignty or by the rules on security?

16. What are the secondary rules of special significance?

17. What role do international organizations play in the relations between nations?

18. When was the UN created?

19. What are the purposes of the UN?

20. What is the principal judicial organ of the UN?


Exercise 14. Match the beginning and the end of the proverbs and sayings. Find the appropriate translation given below. Comment on their meaning.


1. Every land has … 1. so many customs.

2. Much is expected … 2. has its own law.

3. So many countries … 3. where is much given.


1. Що край – то звичай.

2. У всякім подвір’ї своє повір’я.

3. Кому багато дано, з того багато й спитають.


Exercise 15. Topics for discussion.


1. Speak about matters covered by international law.

2. Speak about primary sources of international law.

3. Speak about a secondary source of international law.

4. Speak about cases of violation of international law.

5. Speak about secondary rules and legally determined situations.

6. Speak about the United Nations Organization.


Legal Terms to Be Memorized


international law міжнародне право

international agreement міжнародна угода

international relations міжнародні відносини

International Tribunal міжнародний трибунал

international organization міжнародна організація

international standard of justice міжнародна норма правосуддя

conventional international law міжнародне договірне право

international customary law міжнародне звичаєве право

international responsibility міжнародна відповідальність

International Court of Justice міжнародний суд

succession to international rights and obligations спадкоємність

міжнародних прав і обов’язків

to achieve international co-operation досягати міжнародного


relations among nations в відносини між державами

to develop friendly relations розвивати дружні відносини

to maintain peace and security підтримувати мир і безпеку

to solve a problem вирішувати проблему

to complain; to bring a complaint скаржитися; подавати скаргу

to concern / to cover / to deal with стосуватися / охоплювати /

мати справу з

treaty / agreement договір; угода

trade / commerce торгівля

to violate; violation порушувати; порушення

violation / infringement порушення

boundary disputes суперечки щодо кордону

arms control контроль за озброєнням

extradition and asylum екстрадиція і надання

політичного притулку

human rights права людини

hijacking and piracy бандитизм і піратство

war crimes воєнні злочини

diplomatic law and immunity дипломатичне право та імунітет

protection of nationals abroad захист громадян за кордоном

rules on sovereignty правила суверенітету


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