Новини освіти і науки:
МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Тлумачний словник
Військова справа
Журналістика та ЗМІ
Іноземні мови
Метали і Зварювання
Охорона безпеки життя
Охорона Праці


1. In affirmativesentences use the indicative mood

does can/ will

Smb did smth so thatsmb could/woulddo smth

Les has bought a video camera so that he can film his holiday.

I gave Sam my address so that he would contact me.

2. In negative sentencesuseeitherthe indicative or the suppositional mood

Smb did smth so thatsmbshouldn’tdo smth (suppositional)

wouldn’t/ couldn’tdo smth (indicative)

He dyed his beard so that we shouldn’t / wouldn’t/ couldn’t recognize him.

3. The suppositional mood is always used after the conjunction ‘lest’

Smb did smth lestsmbshoulddo smth

He didn’t dare to leave the house lest somebody should recognize him.

4. In case-clause means “because this may happen.”

Smb does/ did smth in casesmbdoes/ didsmth

I carry a spare wheel in case I have a puncture. (Я маю в машині запасне колесо на випадок, якщо раптом трапиться прокол шини.)

Watch out! Future Simple can’t be used after the conjunction ‘in case’:

I keep candles in the house in case there is power cut. (in case there will be ....)

Note the use of MODAL VERBS:

1. ‘Could/ might’

a)to express a request, a suggestion or possibility.

If you drive to town, could you give me a lift? (request)

If we do our best, we might succeed. (possibility = можливо)

b)to express unreal ability or opportunity

If he hadn’t stopped, there could/ might have been an accident. (unreal opportunity, Conditional mood = міг би)

If I could drive a car I would drive to work. (unreal ability, SII)

I wish I could drive. (unreal ability, SII)

2. ‘Have to’to express imaginary necessity or absence of necessity

If I hadn’t bought new shoes, I would have to put on the old ones now. (C.M.) = Якби я не купила нові туфлі, довелося б зараз вдягати старі.

I wish I didn’t have to study on Saturday. (Subjunctive II) = Шкода, що мушу навчатись по суботах. = Хотілося б, аби не мусив навчатись …

3. ‘Should’

a)in the main clause to express advice (тобі слід/ варто …)

If you keep forgetting things, you should keep a record of everything.

b)In the subordinate clause of type I conditionals to express a problematicaction which is unlikely to happen (Раптом , все ж)

If he should come, let me know . (Якщо він таки прийде, дай мені знати.)

Should she come, give her the book.

c)In the purpose clause after the conjunction ‘in case’ to express a problematicaction: I’ll bake a cake in case someone should drop in.


- If you shouldneed my help, this address will always find me. = У випадку, якщо знадобиться моя допомога, ти завжди знайдеш мене за цією адресою.

- Write down my address in case you should need my help. = Запиши мою адресу на випадок, якщо знадобиться моя допомога.

d)In ‘that-clauses’ to add emotional colouring to the statement. The perfect infinitive is used for actions which preceded those of the main clause. When we leave out emotional ‘should’, we use the Indicative m-d, not Subjunctive I.

I’m disappointed that something should happen/ be happening

surprised have happened

E.g.: I am concerned that she should think (thinks) I stole the money.

It is/was disappointing that something should happen/ be happening

strange have happened

E.g.: It’s amazing that she should have said (said) nothing about the murder.

4. ‘Were to’in conditionals type II to express an unreal, imaginary action

If he were to come now, I wouldn’t even talk to him.

5. ‘Would’

a)in subordinate clauses of type 1 & 2 conditionals to express willingness and request: I would be (C.M.) most grateful if you would (Modal V.) send me the information in due course. (request) If you would marry suitably, marry your equal. (Ovid) (willingness)

b)in wish-sentences to express wish for a future change unlikely to happen

I wish people wouldn’t through litter on the beach. It looks and smells horrible.

Watch out! Use‘would’ only if the subjects are different. If not, use ‘could’.

I wish (you would stop smoking).

I wish Icould stop smoking.I wish Iwould stop smoking.

As an auxiliary verb it’s used:
1) for future-in-the-past tenses: He said he would be driving to town later. (буде їхати) 2) for the conditional mood: If his car weren’t broken he would give me a lift. (… він би мене підвіз.) 3) _________   1) for future-in-the-past tenses with 1st p. I said I should be driving to town later. (буду їхати) 2) for the conditional mood with 1st pers. If he gave me a lift I should go to town. 3) for the suppositional mood It’s important that you should come in time.(… щоб ти прийшов)
As a modal verb it’s used:
4) to express willingness and request in adverbial cl-s of condition type 1&2 If you would move a bit, we could all sit on the sofa. 5)In wish-sentences to express a wish for a future change unlikely to happen: I wish you wouldn’t smoke in the room. (Я б хотіла, аби ти не курив ….) 6) In set-phrase a) “would rather” to talk about preferences: I would rather have a walk. I would rather you had stayed there. (Я б краще пішла пішки. Я б воліла, аби ти залишилась там.) b) “would like” to talk about wants: I would like to relax. I would like to have stayed at home. 4) to express a problematic future action unlikely to happen in adverbial cl-s of a) condition: If Ann should come I’ll be surprised.(Якщо Аня раптом прийде ) b) conces­sion: Even if Ann should come I won’t talk to her. (Навіть якщо Аня таки прийде) c) purpose: Stay here in case Ann should come. (на випадок, якщо Аня все ж прийде.) 5) In subject sub. clauses for emotional colouring: It is strange that he should think so. (Дивно, що він такої думки.) 6) Independently of the pattern to express advice or criticism: You should work hard. You should have asked me.


Test № 1 ‘The Category of Mood’

Practical Grammar

Second Year Group ______


II. Do the tasks. (Don’t type the answers. Use a pen and write neatly, please. Firstpracticedoing the exercises in Natanson E.A. Practical English Grammar by Correspondence. - M., 1973. p153 - 199 and check yourself with the clues.)

Ex.1Fill in ‘should’ or ‘would’ and explain your choice (put the number).

1. If I were you, I ……………. ___ not buy this dress. It doesn’t fit you.

2. If he knew anything about it, he ……………. ___have told me by now.

3. I found it silly that I ……………. ___be seen as different from the others

4. Both sides were anxious that the agreement ……………. ___ be signed at once.

5. I wish you ……………. ___ turn the radio down.

6. He had his camera ready, just in case he ……………. ___see something that make a good picture.

7. It's desirable that the issue ……………. ___be settled as soon as possible

8. If you ……………. ___ require anything more, please ring the bell for the attendant.

9. I wish you ……………. ___ stop treating me like a child!

10. At breakfast I told Mary that I ……………. ___be absent at least four days

11. I never ……………. ___ have met him but for the chance of his getting drunk one evening in my college.

12. It's curious that she ……………. ___ have left without saying goodbye.

13. In my reply to Miss Evans I suggested that she ……………. ___ arrive at my office.

14. She said she ……………. ___ rather die than live in the city.

15. Even if he ……………. ___ get accepted to Harvard, he won't be able to afford the tuition.

16. If you ……………. ___ phone me later I could give you all the details of the meeting.

17. Children ……………. ___ not be allowed to play in the street.

18. Will you help me if I ……………. ___fall sick and not be able to work?

Ex. 2Choose the correct variant.

1. I wish I …………….. wash the car every week.

a) hadn’t to; b) didn't have to; c) hadn’t.

2. If only I had seen the dentist yesterday. I …………….. toothache now.

a) hadn't; b) wouldn't have had; c) wouldn't have.

3. If she hadn’t noticed the mistake, she ………………… the order.

a) may have lost; b) could have lost; c) could lost.

4. If you ……………… a taxi, you will miss the train

a) don’t take; b) won’t take ; c) wouldn’t take.

5. But for the rush hour we ……………. through the city centre now.

a) would drive; b) will drive; c) wouldn’t drive.

6. I would visit you this weekend if I ………………………. so busy.

a) wouldn’t be; b) weren’t; c) wouldn’t have been.

7. Mary suggested that we …....................... to the theatre.

a) should go; b) went; c) would go.

8. ................. you badly needed some money, would you ask for a loan?

a) Unless; b) Even if; c) Supposing.

9. If only he ……………………………... our secret to anyone.

a) not to have told; b) hadn’t told; c) hasn’t told.

10. I would rather you ..............................…out late at night.

a) didn’t stay ; b) don’t stay; c) wouldn’t stay .

11. If he were a better driver, he ………………….. his car yesterday.

a) wouldn't have crashed; b) wouldn't crashed; c) hadn’t crashed.

12. He ... consult a lawyer to avoid further problems.

a) would rather to; b) had better; c) would better.

13. It’s high time you ……………. how to make notes of the lecture.

a) knew; b) should know; c) had known.

14. I wish you … to come to my party. I thought you’d bring some DVDs.
a) had forgotten; b) wouldn’t have forgotten ; c) hadn’t forgotten

15. If you ………………………… need to have a break, just tell me.

a) will; b) should; c) would.

16. I wish you …………….… find a job and start living on your own.

a) would; b) should; c) will

17. I didn't mention it so that he ………….…………….... angry about it.

a) shouldn’t get; b) won’t get; c) should get.

18. He’s a diabetic. It’s vital that he ……..… anything containing sugar.

a) avoids; b) avoid; c) would avoid.

19. If I ………..… to bed late, it wouldn’t have been such an awful day.

a) hadn’t gone; b) wouldn’t go; c) didn’t go

20. You are speaking about it as if you .......................... with your own eyes.

a) saw; b) would have seen; c) had seen

Ex. 3Use two to five words to express the same idea using the word in bold

1. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties.

not If she …………………. so shy, she …………….......……...….… parties.

2. I would like you to work harder at your English.

workI wish you ……………………………............… harder at your English.

3. Ann is a secretary but she is always acting like the boss.

asShe is always acting ……………………...........……….…… … the boss.

4. We were bored. Ann suggested going to the cinema.

thatAnn suggested ……………………………..……….… to the cinema.

5. You shouldn’t touch this button. It’s dangerous.

betterYou … …………………………..............……………………… this button.

6. It’s vital for her to stay calm while she’s explaining her side of the issue.
thatIt’s vital …………………............……… calm while she’s explaining it.

7. I would prefer not to go out tonight.

ratherI … …… ……………………................………………… out tonight.

8. If it starts raining, don’t go out. (I think it’s unlikely, though.)
should…………………………..........................…………. raining, don’t go out.

9. I regret not buying the dictionary

wishI …………………………………..…… ........................… the dictionary.

10. He is not an honest person so he didn’t tell the truth.

haveIf he ………… an honest person he ……..........……….……… the truth.

11. I would like you not to borrow my car without asking me first.

youI would rather ………………………. my car without asking me first.

12. She missed the meeting because her car broke down.

hadn’tShe … …………… missed the meeting if her car ……………...… down.

13. It’s time for her to understand these things. She is old enough for that.

sheIt’s high time …....................……………………………..… these things.

14. He didn’t notice you that’s why he didn’t say ‘Hello’ to you.

or elseHe didn’t notice you ........................................................ ‘Hello’ to you.

Ex. 4Complete the sentences:

1. If I were you ………………………………..…………………………..

2. If I had known ………………………………...………………………..

3. I would never have done it if ……………………..…………………….

4. If you should see Tom …………………………….…………………….

5. He suggested that …………………………………….…………………

6. It was important that ……………………………………………………

7. I wish ……………………………………………..…………………….

8. My mum wishes ………………………………….…………………….

9. It’s high time ……………………………………….…………………..

10. Even if ………………………………………………………………….

Ex. 5 Translate the following into English using the ap­propriate means of expressing unrealitywhere necessary:

1. Я б хотіла, аби ти кинув курити.

I wish ………………………………………………………………….....

2. Якби не його посмішка, я нічого не запідозрила б. (suspect)

But for …………………………………………………………………...

3. Небагато є людей, які би так спокійно віднеслись до цього. (take)

There aren’t ……………………………………………………………...

4. Я б воліла, аби ви не турбували мене хоча б годину. (bother)

I would…………………………………………………………………...

5. Будь обережна з ключем. Якщо ти його загубиш, ми не зможемо відкрити сейф. (be able to)

If you ……………………………………………………………………

6. Час вже йому вставати. Він може спізнитись в школу.

It’s ……………… he ……………………………………………………

7. Він наполягав, щоб ми зупинились в тому готелі. (stay)

He insisted that ………………………………………………………….

8. Шкода, що ти не поїхав з нами. Нам було б весело. (come with)

I wish …………………………………………………………………….

9. Навіть якби я тоді спробував тобі все пояснити, ти б мені не повірив


10. На вулиці холодно. Краще вдягнись тепліше.

It’s cold outside. You ……………………………………………………

11. Про неї завжди говорили в третій особі, ніби її там не було.

They ……………………………………………………………………..

12. Дивно що він згадав такі подробиці нашої випадкової зустрічі десять років тому. It’s strange ………………………………………….


13. Він запропонував, що б ми зустрілись наступного дня на ланч.

He suggested that……………………………….………………………..

14. Якби я почав писати курсову роботу раніше, я б її вже закінчив.

If ………………………………………………………………………..


15. Раптом про мене будуть питати, не кажи нікому де я.


Ex. 6Analyse the sentences as in the example. Use a pencil, please.

Conditional mood Subjunctive II


1. [I would have done it] (if you had explained how to do it.)



main clause adverbial clause of condition


Past simple

Indicative Subjunctive I


2. [They suggested] (that he sell off his subsidiary company).



main clause object subordinate clause

1. I wouldn’t be nervous if I had anybody to help me.



2. If you don’t know how to do it, read the theory carefully.



3. Even if I hadn’t spent all the money, I wouldn’t have stayed longer.



4. Nobody liked the idea, that the exam should be held on Sunday.



5. The general opinion was that the law should be tightened.



6. He wished Emily were with him.



7. I felt as if I were plunging into something new and quite abnormal.



8. Hurry up so that you won’t miss the train.



9. The doctor insisted that the patient be placed in hospital.



10. They treated me as if I was a little child.

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<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
TYPES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES | Syntactic functions of modals.

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