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I. Read the text: Programming and global computer networks


What is Web Programming? Programming is the art of telling a computer what to do. Programming is giving written instructions in a logical manner that the computer can understand. Essentially, you give the computer small steps of instructions, and the computer goes down the list, executing each one in order. Programming allows you to make new software and have the computer do new things. Web site programming is the same except you write applications or web pages that are used by a web browser.

Web Site Programming is the practice of writing applications that run on a web server and can be used by many different people. Many applications work really well as a web application. Some examples of popular web applications include Flickr, Gmail, and Google Maps. You are able to upload and view pictures, send email and lookup directions using these web applications and they are all made possible through web site programming.

When you access your page with a browser, your web server will parse, or read through, your HTML page line by line and when it comes across a programming language, it will execute the code. For example, it writes out the current date on the page and then sends the page back to your web browser. Your web browser just sees a normal web page with a date but the server will generate a different web page when it is loaded on a different date. Web site programming allows you to turn a simple, static HTML page into a dynamic, Web 2.0 masterpiece. It allows others to interact with your web site and use the application on any computer with Internet access. Web site programming is often easier than programming applications that will run directly on the computer. Essentially, if you want to make or edit anything dynamic on your website, such as a forum, a guestbook, or even a form submission, you will need to know how to do some web site programming.

All web programming is done with web programming languages. Just as there is a diversity of programming languages available and suitable for conventional programming tasks, there is a diversity of languages available and suitable for Web programming. There is no reason to believe that any one language will completely monopolize the Web programming scene, although the varying availability and suitability of the current offerings is likely to favor some over others. These languages can include static technologies like HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. However, most web site programming is done using server-side web programming languages. This code runs on the server and then gives static information back to the web browser. The most popular web programming languages are: PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ASP classic, Python, and JSP.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the basic language understood by all WWW (World Wide Web) clients. HTML is a markup language rather than a complete programming language. An HTML document (program) is ASCII text with embedded instructions (markups) which affect the way the text is displayed. HTML is limited in its computational power. This is intentional in its design, as it prevents the execution of dangerous programs on the client machine. Given the diversity of operating systems and hardware platforms, currently in use on the Web, a great efficiency results from only dealing with a single form of an application. The success of HTML has proven this, and Java has seconded it. The ability to deliver a platform-independent application is of great appeal to developers, who spend a large portion of their resources developing and maintaining versions of their products for the different hardware/software platform combinations.

Viruses have proven that executing binary code acquired from an untrusted, or even moderately trusted, source is dangerous. Code that is downloaded or uploaded from random sites on the web should not be allowed to damage the user's local environment. Downloading binary code compiled from conventional languages is clearly unsafe, due to the power of the languages. Even if such languages were constrained to some ostensibly safe subset, there is no way to verify that only the safe subset was used or that the compiler used was trustworthy (after all, it is under someone else's control). HTML proved that downloading source code in a safe language and executing it with a trusted interpreter was safe.

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 | Http://www.host-shopper.com/what-is-web-programming.html

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