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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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Administrative law is the law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration. It applies to the organization, powers, duties, and functions of public officials and public agencies of all kinds. Administrative law centers on the operations of government agencies. Administrative law ranks as one of the fastest-growing and most complicated branches of law. Administrative law concerns such spheres as communications and telecommunications, consumer protection, currency, environmental protection, interstate commerce, public safety, social welfare, taxation, worker’s wages and hours. The aim of administrative law is to attain a synthesis of public and private interests in terms of the social and economic circumstances and ideals of the age.

Of the powers delegated to administrative authorities by modern regulatory statutes, four types may be mentioned: 1) the rulemaking power, or the power to issue general rules and regulations having the force of law; 2) the licensing power, or the power to grant or refuse, to renew and to revoke licenses or permits; 3) the investigatory power, or the power to require witnesses to testify and produce books, papers, and records for the purpose of acquiring the information needed for effective regulation; 4) the directing power, or the power to issue administrative orders.

National, state or provincial and local governments set up many administrative agencies to do the work of government. Some of these agencies regulate such activities as banking, communication, trade, and transportation. Others deal with such matters as education, public health and taxation. Still other agencies administer social-welfare programs, such as old-age and unemployment insurance. In most cases, the agencies are established in the executive branch of government under powers granted by the legislature.

Administrative law consists chiefly of 1) the legal powers that are granted to administrative agencies by the legislature and 2) the rules that the agencies make to carry out their powers. Administrative law also includes court rulings in cases between the agencies and private citizens.




administer, v. 1.control, manage, look after (a household, business affairs, etc.): to administer a country (to govern it); 2. apply, put into operation: to administer the law; to administer punishment to smb.; to administer justice.

Syn. control, govern, direct, manage


administrative, adj. of the management of affairs; concerned with administration: an administrative post; lacking in administrative ability.

Syn. executive, governmental, organizational, regulatory, supervisory


power, n. right possessed by, or granted to a person or group of persons: Are the powers of the Prime Minister defined by law? The President has exceeded his powers.

Syn. authority, right, warrant, privilege, license


legislature, n. lawmaking body (e. g. Parliament in Great Britain)

Syn. parliament, congress, lawmaking body, assembly, senate


insure, v. make a contract that promises to pay, secures payment of, a some of money in case of accident, damage, loss, injury, death, etc.: to insure one’s house against fire; to insure oneself (one’s life) for $ 5,000.

Syn. protect, guarantee, provide


insurance, n. 1. (undertaking, by a company, society, or the state, to provide) safeguard against loss, provision against sickness, death, etc. in return for regular payments; 2.payment made to or by such a company, etc.: When her husband died, she received $ 20 000 insurance. He pays out $ 110 in insurance every year. 3. insurance policy, contract made about insurance.

Syn. protection, guarantee, security, safeguard




Exercise 1. Consult a dictionary and transcribe the following words.


administrative legislature safety

insurance procedure welfare

unemployment currency taxation

commerce private social

executive sphere environmental


Exercise 2. Find in the text international words and translate them.


Exercise 3. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate them into Ukrainian.


Exercise 4. Select the word or word combination best suited to the context. Use the Reference List.


Reference List


legislature power insurance policy

administer insured court rulings

powers branch of law administrative

welfare insurance powers


1. The High Court and the county courts have the … to order the pre-trial exchange of witness statements.

2. The courts have … to trace, freeze, and confiscate the proceeds of drugtrafficking.

3. The … gives the police wider powers to deal with suspected terrorists, including international terrorists.

4. Various government departments are responsible to … the criminal and law systems.

5. All public authorities must act within the … that the law allows them.

6. The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary and is responsible for a number of … tribunals .

7. Mr. Black has … his house against fire.

8. He pays out $ 50 in … every year.

9. Going through the customs he had to produce his … .


Exercise 5. Find the sentences in the text containing the word combinations and phrases given below. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up sentences with these word combinations.


to center on the operations old-age insurance

complicated branch of law granted by legislature

to set up administrative agencies legal powers

to regulate activities court rulings

to deal with such matters to carry out powers


Exercise 6. Match the words and their definitions.


banking - money, that is actually in use in a country


communication - any means of guaranteeing against loss or



consumer protection - organized efforts to improve the living

conditions needy persons


currency - carrying of goods, persons from one place

to another


interstate commerce - system of raising money by taxes

safety - means of sending messages, orders, etc., as

telephone or telegraph, roads, railways


social welfare - freedom from harm or danger


taxation - the act of protecting a person who uses a

commodity or service


transportation - business carried on by or with a bank


insurance - trade between countries; the exchange and

distribution of goods


Exercise 7. Find the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


1. government agency 1. пенсійне забезпечення

2. branch of law 2. обкладання податком

3. banking 3. торгівля між державами

4. transportation 4. діяльність уряду

5. unemployment insurance 5. засоби зв’язку

6. legal powers 6. галузь права

7. taxation 7. законодавча влада

8. legislature 8. освіта

9. old-age insurance 9. банківська справа

10. interstate commerce 11. соціальний захист

12. страхування по безробіттю

13. урядова установа

14. громадська безпека

15. перевезення


Exercise 8. Translate the following words and word combinations into English or Ukrainian.


Interstate commerce; sphere; судовий розгляд; юридичні повноваження; executive branch; приватна особа; законодавча влада; social welfare; зарплата робітника і години зайнятості; захист навколишнього середовища; taxation; the rulemaking power; грошовий обіг; communications and telecommunications; the investigatory power; громадська безпека; управляти; old-age insurance; to require witnesses to testify; адміністративне право; справа; охорона здоров’я; banking; to regulate activities; to issue administrative orders; транспортні засоби; страхування по безробіттю; complicated branch of law; the licensing power.


Exercise 9. Pick up pairs of synonyms.


Commerce; to administer; administrative; power; legislature; to insure; insurance; to centre; operation; complicated; national; government; agency; to regulate; activity; to deal with; education; to establish; to testify; chiefly; court ruling; wage; sphere; welfare; currency.


Wellbeing; field; mainly; teaching; work; organization; public; action; protection; authority; to govern; trade; governmental; lawmaking body; to protect; to concentrate; difficult; administration; to control; to concern; to form; trial; payment; money; to witness.


Exercise 10. Pick up pairs of antonyms.


Complicated; employment; private; to include; fast; welfare; to regulate; safety; protection; legal.


Unemployment; to exclude; trouble; danger; illegal; insecurity; to disorganize; slow; public; easy.


Exercise 11. State if the following statements are True or False. Correct them if necessary.


1. Administrative law is the law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration. (T; F)

2. Administrative law concerns such spheres as communications, commerce, social welfare and transfers of ownership. (T; F)

3. Four types of powers delegated to administrative authorities by modern regulatory statutes may be mentioned: the rulemaking power, the licensing power, the legislative power, the directing power. (T; F)

4. The aim of administrative law is to regulate activities of private citizens. (T; F)

5. Administrative law consists of the legal powers that are granted to administrative agencies by the legislature. (T; F)


Exercise 12. Read the text. Choose the best answers.


1. Administrative law centers on …

a) the operations of trade unions.

b) the operations of government agencies.

c) the operations of public organizations.


2. Administrative agencies regulate such activities as …

a) education, taxation, torts, and child support.

b) old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and adoption.

c) banking, communications, trade and transportation.


3. The directing power is …

a) to issue administrative orders.

b) to produce books, papers and records.

c) to issue general rules and regulations having the force of law.


4. Administrative law also includes court rulings in cases between …

a) business corporations.

b) the agencies and private citizens.

c) husbands and wives.


5. Administrative agencies are established …

a) in the judicial branch of power.

b) in the legislative branch of power.

c) in the executive branch of government.


Exercise 13. Answer the following questions on the text.


1. What does administrative law regulate?

2. What does administrative law apply to?

3. What does administrative law center on?

4. Why does administrative law rank as one of the most complicated branches of law?

5. What spheres does administrative law concern?

6. With what purpose do national and local governments set up many administrative agencies?

7. What activities do administrative agencies regulate?

8. What programs do the agencies administer?

9. Where are administrative agencies established?

10. What powers are delegated to administrative authorities by modern regulatory statutes?

11. What is the aim of the rulemaking power?

12. What is the purpose of the licensing power?

13. What is the aim of the investigatory power?

14. What is the purpose of the directing power?

15. What does administrative law consist chiefly of?

16. What does administrative law include?


Exercise 14. Match the beginning an the end of the proverbs and sayings. Find the appropriate translation given below. Comment on their meaning.


1. A clear conscience is … 1. excuses no man.

2. Don’t put … 2. a coat of mail.

3. Ignorance of law … 3. a patch upon it.


1. Не пробуй шукати виправдань, це тільки погіршує справу.

2. У кого чиста совість, тому нічого не страшно; Хто чисте сумління має, спокійно спати лягає.

3. Незнання закону не може служити виправданням.


Exercise 15. Topics for discussion.


1. Speak about spheres of administrative law.

2. Speak about the aim of administrative law.

3. Speak about the powers delegated to administrative authorities.

4. Speak about the activities of administrative agencies.

5. Speak about administrative law in general.


Legal Terms to Be Memorized


to administer; administrative; administration керувати, управляти

адміністративний; адміністрація, керівництво

administrative law адміністративне право

administrative agency адміністративна установа

administrative orders адміністративний наказ


public administration державна адміністрація

power | authority | license повноваження /влада / ліцензія

legal powers юридичні повноваження

rulemaking power законотворче повноваження

licensing power ліцензійне повноваження

investigatory power слідче повноваження

directing power директивне повноваження

legislature / lawmaking body законодавча влада

to insure; insurance страхувати; забезпечувати;


insurance policy страховий поліс

old-age insurance пенсійне страхування

unemployment insurance страхування по безробіттю

branch of law галузь права

court ruling / trial судовий розгляд; судовий процес

social welfare program програма соціального захисту

public official державний службовець

witness; to witness / to testify свідок; свідчити

to issue general rules and regulations видавати загальні правила і

обов’язкові постанови

consumer protection захист споживача

environmental protection захист навколишнього середовища

public safety громадська безпека

taxation мито, державний податок

trade / commerce торгівля

communications засоби зв’язку

worker’s wages and hours зарплата робітника

і години зайнятості



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