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Pre-exam Tests

Test l

1. A 2. В 6. D 7. С 11. С 12. A 16. С 17. С   3. В 4. А 8. В 9. С 13. F 14. D 18. А 19. С   5. D 10. В 15. В 20. С  

Test 2

1. В 2. D 6. С 7. В. 11. С 12. D 16. D 17. В   3. D 4. D 8. А 9. С 13. А 14. В 18. В 19. С   5. С 10. В 15. В 20. В  

Test 3


1. В 6. С 11. D 16. С 2. D 7. A 12. В 17. D   3. C 8. B 13. B 18. C 4. D 9. D 14. В 19. С   5. В 10. D 15. D 20. А  

Test 4

1. В 6. В 11. D 16. Е   2. A 7. С 12. В 17. В   3. A 8. D 13. D 18. D   4. В 9. С 14. В 19. С   5. D 10. А 15. А 20. В  

Test 5


1. В 6. В 11. С 16. А   2. С 7. С 12. В 17. С   3. D 8. C 13. D 18. C   4. С 9. В 14. D 19. А   5. А 10. В 15. С 20. D  

Test 6


1. А 6. В 11. В 16. В   2. D 7. В 12. А 17. С   3. B 8. B 13. D 18. B   4. D 9. D 14. 0 19. В   5. С 10. С 15. В 20. С  

Test 7


1. С 6. С 11. В 16. С   2. В 7. В 12. А 17. В 3. B 8. C 13. D 18. D 4. В 9. В 14. С 19. А 5. D 10. В 15. А 20. В

Test 8


1. С 6. С 11. D 16. В   2. D 7. В 12. В 17. D   3. B 8. C 13. 18. D   4. D 9. В 14. В 19. D   5. А 10. D 15. А 20. С  

Test 9


1. А 6. С 11. В 16. А   2. С 7. А 12. В 17. А   3. B 8. A 13 C 18 D     4. В 9. В 14. D 19. С   5. С 10. В 15. С 20. В  

Test 10


1. D 6. В 11. С 16. В   2. В 7. С 12. А 17. В   3. B 8. B 13. C 18.B 4. D 9. А 14. А 19. А   5. В 10f D 15. D 20. D  

Test 11


1. В 6. D 11. С 16. D   2. В 7. D 12. А 17. А   3. A 8. B 13. C 18. A   4. А 9. С 14. А 19. С   5. D 10. В 15. С 20. А  

Test 12


1. С 6. С 11. D 16. А 2. С 7. D 12. А 17. В 3. D 8. В 13. D 18. А 4. С 9. С 14. В 19. В 5. В 10. В 15. С 20. А

Sentences for Translation

Test l

1. Do you need any help?

2. She pretended not to hear me.

3. Will (Would) you help me (to) carry this heavy suit-case?

4. They don't want anyone else to come.

5. Let's warn him not to be late.

6. What makes you think so?

7. I fieard my name called.

8. Compare the copy with the original.

9. Please keep this for your son.

10. There is no doubt about it.

11. How tall he is!

12. Here is the book you've been looking for.

13. Jimmy can be relied upon.

14. They wished us a pleasant journey.

15. I'm going to have a cup of coffee.

16. These magazines (periodicals) are published weekly.

17. Let us know whether you can take part in the contest.

18. They are too young to understand this.

19. It was so hot that I couldn't sleep.

20. Do you think Tom works harder than Jerry?


Test 2

1. Can he do it alone? - Yes, I think he can.

2. Who wants to come with them? - All of us.

3. John can't do it and neither can you, I'm sure.

4. I went to the swimming-pool and so did my friend. (= and my friend went there, too)

5. We didn't go to school; nor did Jane. -(= arid Jane didn't go there either)

6. Neither Tom nor Jerry wanted to go to the library.

7. He has often been there.

8. How often does he have (get, receive) letters from his friend in France?

9. This work needs time and patience.

10. There was much foolish talking.

11. It seems (to me) you are not really interested in this subject.

12. It would be wiser to drive slowly.

13. It was obvious that nobody intended to do anything.

14. Our dreams may come true.

15. They will both be late.

16. They will feel safe with him.

17.: The ice will melt as soon as the sun comes out.

18. Although he has his own car, he often uses buses.

19. No matter what I did, nobody paid any attention.

20. Even if Jane did say so, we can't be sure that she was telling the truth.

Test 3

1. Hardly had they come out when it began to rain.

2. I don't remember when I last had my hair cut.

3. Did you remember to post a/the card?

4. I remember posting all your letters.

5. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.

6. Very few people suppose him (to be) innocent.

7. We all believe it to have been a mistake.

8. He isn't so clever as I believed him to be.

9 Everybody likes to hear him singing.

10. You had better have this tooth pulled (taken) out.

11. Jack suggested that we should start as soon as possible.

12. It's likely that there will be rain.

13. I wish I had known how to do it.

14. I would rather he stayed with us.

15. I prefer cycling to walking.

16. You must be hoaery.

17. The closer we look into the picture, the more we like it.

18 I think you should have told Van» you were sorry.

19 She must have missed the train.

20. He may have to borrow some money.

Test 4

1. Have you decided where you will spend your holidays?

2. I am going to finish this work before midnight.

3. This is the suit I bought in Paris.

4. We are still waiting for him.

5. He used to recite poems well.

6. This is the girl we met at the theatre yesterday.

7. I often meet your friend on my way to school.

8. For the last few days we have had fine sunny weather.

9. Look! Our English teacher is standing by the hairdresser's. She must be waiting for someone.

10. We are moving to a new flat next week.

11. Jack said that had (already) washed and he was ready to have breakfast.

12. Where have you been? We've been waiting for you for half a day!??

13. How old were you when you started learning French?

14. It has been raining since morning.

15. They told us that they had been standing in the rain for ал hour waiting for a bus.

16. If you had chosen another poem, you would have (already) learned it.

17. When will your article about environmental problems be published?

18. He was seen with her."

19. The situation seems to be changing.

20. When copying the exercise pay attention to unknown (new) words.

21. I'd like the letter to be sent at once.

22. Be careful! John has been painting the door.

23. She studied music while she was in Paris.

24. Mr. Brown has never had to punish his children.

25. I bought thia picture in London.

26. People used to think that the sun travelled round the earth.

27. I saw a man go past, but I didn't look at him.

28. They heard the teacher saying something, but didn't listen t him.

29. Can you see what I have written on the blackboard?

30. Can you hear what the speaker is saying?


Test 5

1. You may remember the evening we first talked about going to London.

2. Can you hear? What is the orchestra playing?

8. I break the eggs into a cup. If they are good, I add them to the mixture in the bowl. Then I beat the mixture thoroughly.

4. Was it still raining when you came in?

5. What were you doing all morning?

6. She wrote a few letters in the afternoon.

7. Where were you living when the war broke out?

8. When Dave came to school, Mary had already been teaching there for five years.

9. I have never known her to be angry.

10. I can't read. I've come to school without my glasses.

11. The bus driver was just about to start when he remembered that he had not filled the petrol tank.

12. The sun was just setting as we reached home.

13. He has been working late every evening this week.

14. It has just struck twelve.

15. Next century will begin on the first of January, 2001.

16. I just wanted to ask you about John.

17. Mary told me that she had visited that castle two years before.

18. Do you hear a. strange noise?

19. Who has eaten all the apples?

20. There has been no rain here for over three months.

21. The life here is not so easy as it used to be.

22. I shall be playing tennis all afternoon.

23. So far we have had no trouble.

24. As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, he saw that one of the boys had drawn a sketch of him on the blackboard.

25. By three o'clock he had answered only half the letters he had received that morning.

26. My father will be fifty in May.

27. How long will the work take?

28. I'm sure he'll come if you ask him.

29. He asked me where I had been and what I had been doing.

30. We had got everything ready (for them) long before they arrived.

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