МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах
РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання ЧОМУ ФОНД ОЛЕНИ ПІНЧУК І МОЗ УКРАЇНИ ПРОПАГУЮТЬ "СЕКСУАЛЬНІ УРОКИ" ЕКЗИСТЕНЦІЙНО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ОСНОВИ ПОРУШЕННЯ СТАТЕВОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ ПІДЛІТКІВ Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами ЛІВИЙ МАРКСИЗМ У НОВИХ ПІДРУЧНИКАХ ДЛЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів
Тлумачний словник Авто Автоматизація Архітектура Астрономія Аудит Біологія Будівництво Бухгалтерія Винахідництво Виробництво Військова справа Генетика Географія Геологія Господарство Держава Дім Екологія Економетрика Економіка Електроніка Журналістика та ЗМІ Зв'язок Іноземні мови Інформатика Історія Комп'ютери Креслення Кулінарія Культура Лексикологія Література Логіка Маркетинг Математика Машинобудування Медицина Менеджмент Метали і Зварювання Механіка Мистецтво Музика Населення Освіта Охорона безпеки життя Охорона Праці Педагогіка Політика Право Програмування Промисловість Психологія Радіо Регилия Соціологія Спорт Стандартизація Технології Торгівля Туризм Фізика Фізіологія Філософія Фінанси Хімія Юриспунденкция |
Answer the questions. Don't forget how to use the Past Simple Tense.1. What did the young man ask? 2. What did the old man do? 3. What did he ask the young man to do? 4. What happened to them? 5. What did the old man say after that? - What is your own opinion? Should parents be strict with their children? Write a short essay.
2) Vicky Samson.
Today Vicky Samson came from school at 4 o'clock. She watched TV for half an hour. Then she did her homework. She's working hard at the moment, because she has got her exam soon. After dinner, while she was helping with the washing up, she talked to her parents about a problem she had been having at school. It was a normal day, but it was a kind of day that makes Vicky and her parents happy." I can't believe it", says Vicky. "«Four months ago I was living in a cardboard box under a railway bridge in London". Last October Vicky had run away from home. How did it all start? "I hated school. We always had so much work to do and I didn't see the point of it all. My mum didn't understand me. We only spoke to each other when we were arguing. One day I just could not stand it any more. On that October day Vicky didn't go to school. She went to the station and caught the train to London. At first it 'was really fantastic. There were all the bright lights, theatres, shops and some really interesting people. I had to sleep on the streets, but I didn't mind. I was free - no school, no homework, no parents. But soon there was no food and no money either. Vicky was cold, hungry and miserable, but she survived until one night about a week before Christmas. I was walking down the street, when I looked at someone's front window. There was a girl there, just like me. She was decorating a Christmas tree, I thought. If I was at home, I'd be decorating our tree now. Then I couldn't help it. I just sat down on the pavement and cried. Luckily for Vicky, the man who lived at the house, Mr. Robinson, came home while she was sitting there. He took Vicky into the house and Mrs. Robinson gave her something to eat. They were so kind. I told them my whole story. They offered to play for my ticket home, but I didn't want that. I thought my parents would be angry. But the next day she was back home. While Vicky was in their house, Mrs. Robinson went next door and telephoned the police in Birmingham. Three hours later Vicky's father arrived to collect her. "It was the best Christmas present I'd ever had", said Mrs. Samson. Choose the right answer to the questions: 1. How many month ago was Vicky living in a cardboard box? a) 2 months; b) 4 months; c) 1 month. 2. How did Vicky start her escape? a) She hated school; b) She became ill; c) She wanted to travel. 3. How did she get to London? a) By bus; b) By train; c) By car. 4. How did she live in London? a) She lived in her friend's house; b) She had to sleep in the streets; 5. How did the Robinsons help Vicky? c) They called the police.
Answer the questions: 1. Who had a lot of problems? 2. Who ran away? 3. Who hated school? 4. Who lived a cold, hungry and miserable life in London? 5. Who saw a girl decorating a Christmas tree? 6. Who took Vicky to the house? 7. Who gave her some food? 8. Who called to Birmingham? 9. Who arrived to collect Vicky? 10. Who was happy? Correct the sentences: Today Vicky came home at 5 o'clock. She doesn't work hard at the moment because she's got examssoon. Two months ago she was living in a cardboard box. At first it wasn't exciting in London because mere were no big shops, lights, interesting people. Soon Vicky had much food. Mrs. Robinson gave Vicky some bread and butter and they bought her a ticket to her place. The next day Vicky came back with the ticket they bought her.