The apartment (the door of which, being found locked, with the key inside, was forced open) was in the wildest disorder — the furniture broken and thrown about in all directions. There was only one bedstead; and from this the bed had been removed, and thrown in the middle of the floor. On a chair lay a razor, besmeared with blood. On the hearth were two or three long and thick tresses of human hair, also dabbled with blood, and seeming to have been pulled out by the roots. Upon the floor were found four Napoleons, an ear-ring of topaz, three large silver spoons, and two bags, containing nearly four thousand franks in gold. The drawers of a bureau, which stood in one corner, were open, and had been, apparently, rifled, although many articles still remained in them. A small iron safe was discovered under the bed. It was open, with the key still in the door. It had no contents, beyond a few old letters, and other papers of little consequence.
Read the short-story and answer the questions that follow it.