EUROCONTROL is the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation. This civil and military Organization which currently numbers 34 Member States, has as its primary objective the development of a seamless, pan-European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. The achievement of this objective is a key element to the present and future challenges facing the aviation community, which are to cope with the forecast growth in the air traffic, while maintaining a high level of safety, reducing costs, and respecting the environment.
EUROCONTROL develops, coordinates and plans for implication of short-, medium-, and long-term pan-European air traffic management strategies and their associated action in a collective effort involving national authorities, air navigation service providers, civil and military airspace users, airports industry, professional organizations and relevant European institutions.
EUROCONTROL’s core activities span entire range of gate-to-gate air navigation service operations – from strategic and tactical flow management to controller training; from regional control of airspace to development of leading-edge, safety-proofed technologies and procedures, and the collection of air navigation changes.