Enter a. advice
Prepare/ prepare for b. a degree in law
Become с time
Gain d. a problem
Give e. examinations
Argue f. a job
Pose g. on one's behalf
Speak h. a profession
Get/ obtain i. guilt/ innocence
Prove j. a case
Take/ pass k. experience
Do 1. arguments, documents/ the final exam
Читайте також: - Advice to a Young Teacher
- ENTER 0,0
- Entering the Profession
- Financial results of enterprise activity
- General Advice
- Go back to passage 1 and name the candidate exams a person should take to enter the post-graduate course.
- Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice
- IV. Grammar Review: Modal verbs of advice, obligation, possibility and necessity
- Kinds of activity enterprises
- Match problems 1-6 with the best advice a-f.
- President Barack Obama spoke for more than an hour about immigration at a Nashville community center today. His visit drew hundreds of protesters and people to cheer his arrival.
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