· Enforcement process will depend upon the nature of the legislation (public, criminal or private).
· Flag State matters include crew matters, trading certificates, ship registration, safety/ ship inspection etc. and apply only to own registered/flagged vessels.
· Coastal/Port State matters include pollution, wreck removal, port state control, pilotage, COLREGS breach etc and apply to both home flag and foreign vessels while in port state waters.
How do we know what maritime law applies in what country?
· Look at the CMI and IMO web sites for the latest status of ratification of maritime conventions (look to see what exemptions have been made, if any).
· Check the national law website of the country in question e.g. Singapore MSA 1996 to confirm enactment into national law + any modifications which have been made to convention text!
· Confirm with a specialist maritime lawyer in that country/jurisdiction before acting in reliance on that information.