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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Text № 53


from “Video Game Addiction: Nearly 1 In 10 Children Is At Risk,”Huffington Post,2011

Roughly 1 in 10 children who play video games are at risk of becoming pathologically addicted to them, found a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. That means for every classroom of 30 kids, three of them could develop a hardcore digital addiction that boosts the risk of depression, social phobia and poor school performance, the study found. Over a two-year span, researchers from the U.S., Hong Kong and Singapore studied the video game habits of 3,000 Singaporean children from grades 3, 4, 7 and 8.

Kids who averaged 31 or more hours of game play a week were classified as pathological or "obsessive" gamers and were determined more likely to develop serious mental health issues. Inclined to believe video game addiction is just a passing phase? WebMD reports that 84 percent of students who were considered addicts when the study began were still addicted two years later. Still, such findings are preliminary. U.S. News reports: Although pathological video gaming appears to share a number of characteristics with other addictive behaviors, such as pathological gambling, the researchers noted that "pathological gaming" is not yet an established psychological disorder.

Mark the statements true (T) or false (F)

  1. Only three pupils in class can be considered to be game addicts.
  2. Only one pupil in class can develop a hardcore digital addiction.
  3. Digital addicts don’t like to communicate and cooperate with classmates.
  4. They get good marks in all the subjects.
  5. Only the US scientists are worried about the problem.
  6. Playing five hours a day is enough time for being an obsessive gamer.
  7. There are no serious consequences of playing video games for children.
  8. Only a few kids gave up their addiction when having been warned.
  9. There are some similarities between video gaming and gambling.
  10. Doctors do not consider that video game addiction is a disease.

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