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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


1. What activities do you find enjoyable when you are by yourself? Why are these activities so pleasant to you? Do you feel it is important to have time for yourself? Why?What are your favourite leisure activities? Do you prefer spending your free time on your own or with your family and friends?

2. Many different languages are used around the world even within a single country. What foreign languages would you like to learn and why? How can a language help connect people from different parts of the world? How would the world be different if only one language was spoken throughout the world?

3. Every day millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube. Why have these sites become so popular? Do you or someone you know watch these clips? What kind of clips do you watch and why? What makes such sites different from television? Justify your opinion.

4. School uniforms are mandatory in some schools around the world, although certainly not in every school. If you were the headmaster of a school would you demand your pupils to wear a uniform? Imagine the response of a student who could disagree with you. What would the student say? How would you respond to him/her?

5. Throughout most of the 20t hcentury, Music and Art were considered as important as Maths and Science. Some people are concerned that nowadays schools are placing less and less emphasis on studying these subjects. Do you think that students should be required to learn Music and Art at school? Why?/Why not? Will our society change if we stop learning them? Justify your opinion.

6. Imagine that one day you will have a career of an actor or an actress. What kind of character would you play? What types of production would you be in? If you could play any character in a theater performance or movie that you have seen, who would it be and why? Do you think you would enjoy this career?

7. Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home country. Why do some students study abroad? Could studying abroad be viewed as a waste of time? How can a student make the most out of his/her time abroad?

8. Having a pet is quite popular nowadays. Why do you think so many people are fond of keeping pets? What kinds of animals are best as pets? Why? Are there any animals that should not be kept as pets?

9. A hero is traditionally a person who, in the face of danger, adversity or weakness, displays courage and the will for self sacrifice for some greater good of humanity. What traits define a hero for you? Does being in the right place at the right time make a hero or are people born that way? Who is your hero/heroine and why do you look up to him/her?

10. The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Why are more and more people living in cities? In the future, do you think people will live in the countryside? Is living in a city a sustainable lifestyle? Justify your opinion.

11. Websites, magazines, and television shows are free to say almost everything about celebrities and public figures even if it's not true. Is this practice fair? Why is the public so fascinated with the private details of famous people's lives? Would you be willing to trade privacy for fame? Explain your reasons.

12. All schools have rules. What are some of the rules you have at your school? Which rules do you believe are necessary and which do you believe are unfair? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having rules? Have you ever been caught breaking any school rules?

13. Imagine you get to move into your own apartment tomorrow. What five things would you put in your apartment first? Do you think you would keep your apartment clean or messy? Why? Would you invite anyone to live with you or would you stay there alone? Why?

14. Discuss the quote "You never step into the same river twice." How do you interpret this quote? Do you think it is a true statement? Why or why not? How can you relate it to yourself?


15. We all try to avoid illness through healthy daily habits and diets. When we get ill, most of us go to the doctor for advice or prescription medicines. What preventative measures do you take to maintain your health? How do different cultures approach health care? Compare and contrast Ukrainian health care with another culture. In your opinion, do people rely too much on pharmaceuticals?

16. Parents often tell children, “Mind your manners”. What do you think are examples of good manners/bad manners? Can manners affect your success in life? How? What is the best way to teach manners to children?

17. Do you think a universal language would be useful for modern life? Which language would you suggest as the common one? What are the disadvantages of having a universal language? How do you think knowing more than one language can affect your life?

18. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" is a popular saying. Describe a time when you spent a lot of time preparing for a project, job, or performance. How did you prepare? Were you successful because of your preparation? Can people be successful without being prepared?

19. If you could be in any TV show, which would it be? Would you be a new character or an existing one? How would you introduce yourself into the show?

How would your presence affect the plot?

20. Franklin D. Roosevelt declared, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."What do you think of this quotation? What phobias do you have? How do you handle fear?

21. What is the most important quality a friend can have? Why is this quality so important? Do your closest friends have this quality? Do you? What can you do to develop/improve on this quality?

22. Today many students in schools have mobile phones. Many of them don’t always turn their phones off before going to their lessons. Is it necessary for pupils to have mobile phones? Why do you think so? Do mobile phones interrupt teachers and students? Should teachers be able to take phones from students? In which cases should they do it?

23. Robots are no longer a part of the distant future but instead they are slowly being incorporated into daily life. Robots are designed to complete tasks more efficiently than humans. Would you ever purchase a robot? Why?/Why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with robots?

24. Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? How does this quote apply to your own life?

25. Many families in Ukraine grow their own food, but in many parts of the world people buy the majority of their food from supermarkets. What are the benefits of growing your own food? Why do some people prefer to buy all their food from stores? If you had a garden and could only plant three things, what would they be and why?

26. You have decided to move to a different country and will take one person with you. Where will you go? Why have you chosen that place? Who will you take with you? Why have you decided to take that very person? What will you miss about Ukraine?

27. Imagine that you are given the opportunity to turn time back. What time in your life would you want to re-experience? Is there anything you would change in your past? How do you think your present life would be affected by your journey to the past?

28. Many young people nowadays use social networks like Vkontakte and Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family. However, many critics fear that these sites cost us too much in terms of privacy and can have a negative impact on users. What are the advantages of using social networking websites? What are the possible disadvantages of using such sites? How can people reduce the risk they put themselves in when using sites like Facebook and Vkontakte?

29. Choosing a career path can be a difficult decision. What should be one's motivation in choosing a career path? When you have a family to support, is it fair to choose a job that gives you personal satisfaction even if the salary is lower than other available jobs? How can people balance their professional and personal lives?

30. Global warming is receiving more attention as a concern and problem throughout the world. Do you think global warming is an important environmental issue? Why? What are three sources of global warming, and how does each contribute to the problem? What are three solutions to stopping, or at least slowing the effects of global warming?

31. You have got an amazing chance to meet with a celebrity (living or dead) for one hour. Who would you meet and why? What questions would you ask this person? What would you like to tell him/her?

32. What is your favourite subject? Why? How will this subject help you in the future? Would you recommend this subject to someone else? How do teachers make lessons interesting for you? What role do you play in your own education?

33. Some argue that 'street smarts' are more important than 'book smarts'. What are the most important lessons you've learned outside your school? Do the lessons we need in life come mostly from school, or not? What does it mean to have a 'full' education?

34. If you could learn any language besides Ukrainian, Russian, or English, what would it be? What are your reasons? What opportunities would it create for you?

What unique hurdles would you have to overcome?

35. In the United States, it's common for private schools to accept only boys or only girls. What do you think are the positive aspects of single-sex education? What are the negative aspects? Would you like to attend an all-girls or all-boys school? Why or why not?

36. Supermarkets are becoming more widespread and popular in the modern world, while traditional markets (bazaars) are becoming less common. Where do you or your family do most food shopping? What advantages and disadvantages do you see with modern supermarkets? Do you think that traditional markets will disappear? Why or why not?

37. Extreme sports such as skydiving, mountain climbing, and bungee jumping are very popular, but also very dangerous. What is so appealing about these sports that people will risk their lives to do them? Is there an extreme sport you want to try and one you don’t? Which one and why? What would be your family’s reaction to your doing an extreme sport?

38. "Travelling is no longer necessary because modern technology has made it possible to learn about the rest of the world from computers and televisions." Do you agree with this statement? Why do people like traveling? Do you think foreigners could really understand Ukrainian life and culture without visiting Ukraine? Justify your opinion.

39. Fantasy books such as the Harry Potter and Twilight series have been very popular for some years now. Why do people like fantasy books? Are they targeted to one age group? In your opinion, what is the most interesting genre of books? Explain what makes it more interesting to you than the others. If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be and why?

40. People are often interested in foreign people and cultures. Which foreign culture do you find most intriguing? Which tradition from that culture would you like to experience? How has the classical understanding of that culture evolved overtime? What are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting foreign traditions into your own culture?

41. Napoleon Bonaparte once wrote, "The word impossible is not in my dictionary." Talk about a time when you achieved something that you initially thought impossible. Why is it important to have confidence in your abilities? Should you follow your dreams no matter what? Is it better to set easier, realistic goals, or to aim for the 'impossible'?

42. Journalism is a vital and challenging profession. Why is journalism important?

If you were a journalist, what kinds of news stories would you enjoy reporting about? Who would be the first person you would interview and why?

43. Tattoos and body piercings are becoming more and more popular. Many people with tattoos and piercings believe that such body art helps them express their inner personalities. What are some arguments against tattoos and body piercings? Do you like tattoos and body piercings? Why or why not? If you had to choose one body art to express your personality, what would it be and why?

44. Choose a favourite holiday. Explain why you like this holiday so much. Tell a story from your life that illustrates what this holiday means to you. Explain how your family traditions are typical for Ukraine.

45. If you were seated on a plane, and the person next to you was terrified of flying, what would you tell him or her to help calm that person down? Do you have a phobia? What and how do you deal with it? What method of transportation is the scariest/safest? Why? What are some advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane?

46. Many people look back on their childhood fondly and remember a favourite toy. What was your favorite childhood toy and why? What are the characteristics of a good toy? How do the toys of today differ from the toys in the past?

47. Imagine you have become stranded on a desert island. How could you spend your time without a computer, a phone or television? What do you know about survival skills like planting food, building houses, or making clothes? If you could choose two people to be stranded with you, who would they be and why?

48. Imagine that the fountain of youth has been discovered, giving eternal life to those who drink from it. If you could choose one notable living person to live forever, who would it be? Why would you choose this person? How would his/her eternal presence influence the future?

49. With all the pressures of the modern world, time is an important factor in our lives today. How does time impact your life? Do you have enough time to do all the things you'd like to do? How do you prioritize your time to accomplish the things that are most important to you? Do you follow a strict schedule and calendar, or do you "take life as it comes"? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your approach?

50. "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all." How do you feel about this American saying? Do you keep quiet when you want to criticize someone or do you say what is on your mind? In which kinds of situations is it more tactful to keep your criticism to yourself and when is it more important to contradict someone?

51. Scientist Charles Babbage proposed the idea of the computer in the 19t h century, but no one imagined how much the device would change our lives. How do you think technology will change in the next 100 years? What technologies would you like to see that do not yet exist? What are some ways technology can negatively impact our lives?

52. Every culture has different traditions and patterns for naming people. For example, most Ukrainians have very traditional names, but in America, people sometimes have unconventional names. Some celebrities even give their children strange names like "Apple" or "Moon Unit". Why did your parents choose your name? Should people be able to choose their own names? If so, how old should someone be before changing his/her name? If you could change your name, what would it be and why?

53. Throughout the world, visiting zoos is a popular way to have fun and observe animals, but have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the animal on the other side of the fence? Imagine you are an animal living in a zoo. What are the benefits and disadvantages of living in a zoo? Which animal would you be and what would your daily life be like? If you had a choice, would you live in a zoo or in the wild?

54. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You have the opportunity to interview any person in the world. Who would you choose to interview? How has this person influenced people's lives? What three questions would you ask first?

55. People today may think that humankind has seen everything. Yet there are still a lot of unknown things about the ocean and outer space. Do you think it is more important to devote resources to exploring the ocean or outer space? How would we benefit from exploring this realm? What do you hope we will discover in the next ten years?

56. "Don't judge a book by its cover" is a popular English idiom. How do you interpret this phrase? Describe a time when you misjudged someone or something based on appearances. What value do you think our culture places on appearances, and is it appropriate? Justify your opinion.

57. In recent years natural disasters have devastated several countries and thousands of lives. From the tsunami in Southeast Asia to Hurricane Katrina and the earthquakes in China and Haiti, countries have been caught off guard by the amount of damage and the work required so that to recover from such disasters.

How can countries better prepare for large natural disasters? Pick a natural disaster and discuss what makes it so dangerous. After a disaster strikes, what can a government do to ensure the safety of survivors and a speedy recovery?

58. You want to cook something special for your parents. What would you choose to cook and why? Is it your favourite dish? What are its ingredients? What equipment and utensils do you need to cook it? What can make this dish especially tasty?

59. A person you know is planning to visit your town or city. During what season would you recommend him or her to visit it and why? What do you think this person would like and dislike about spending time in your town or city? Why? What areas of interest would you show her or him first?

60. Lately there has been a lot of discussion about environmental problems and how they are harmful to both society and the health of our planet. Do you agree that we live on a 'sick' planet? What environmental problems affect your community and what is being done to alleviate them? Do you think pollution is a just price to pay for better standards of living?

61. Some people believe that violent films and video games make our society more violent. Do you think there is a connection between violence in the media and violence in real life? Should there be greater restrictions on portraying violence in films and games? Do you enjoy watching films or playing video games that have violent content?

62. Imagine that you are given enough money to start your own business. What type of business would you choose to open and how would you call it? What would you need to open your own business in terms of space, employees, and supplies? How would you advertise your new business?

63. Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures connect through communication, transportation, and trade. This process has sped up greatly over the last two decades. What advances in communication have caused globalization to speed up? What roles have travels played in the globalization of world economies? How can globalization positively affect different countries? How can it negatively affect them?

64. Imagine you have the power to see the future. What advantages and disadvantages accompany this gift? What responsibilities come with this gift?

Would you make the knowledge of your ability public? Why or why not?

65. How important is it for young people to have good role models? Who do you think is a good role model for young people in your country? Why? What characteristics define a good role model for you?

66. Solving mysteries and riddles is characteristic of human nature. Why do you think people find it attractive? Give examples to justify your opinion.

67. How important is art and culture to the development of young people? Talk about different ways in which people of your age can expand their horizons through art and culture.

68. It is said that “forbidden fruit is always more attractive”. What do you understand by the saying? Justify your opinion.

69. “Home is where your heart is.” What do you understand by this statement? What sorts of things make a place “home”?

70. “Young people today have more career options than their parents.” How far do you agree with this statement? Talk about a variety of professions that young people find attractive nowadays.

71. Traditional TV, radio and newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. How far do you agree with this statement? What are modern versions of the traditional media?

72. Many books that have been on bestseller lists in recent years have been on secrets and mysteries. What are the reasons of people’s interest in such topics? Give examples to justify your opinion.

73. “It is impossible to learn a foreign language without understanding the culture of the countries in which it is spoken.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your opinion.

74. Without risk your life would be very boring. How far do you agree with this statement? Give examples of the situations in which people like taking risks.

75. Instead of giving us more free time, modern technology takes it away from us. Give examples of how modern inventions contribute to our lack of time.

76. “Our intelligence helps us achieve amazing things.” What is your opinion of this statement? Give examples supporting your point of view.

77. “If we all spoke the same language, there would be fewer conflicts and wars.” Do you agree with this statement? In your opinion, will English be more widely spoken in the future? Why (not)? Can you think of any aspects of life where English is or will be the only language used?

78. “Education is a matter between the person and the world of knowledge; school or college has little to do with it.” Do you agree with the statement? Do you think learning will ever take place without teachers, classrooms, schools in general?

79. “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” How far do you agree with this statement? What do you miss most about your home when you are away? If you could change three things about your home, what would they be?

80. Stereotypes are generalized descriptions that are true about all members of a certain group. Are stereotypes good or bad? Provide examples. How do they arise and where do they come from? How can they influence people?


Читайте також:

  1. A. What countries is English the first language? Match English-speaking countries with their national flags and capitals.
  2. Cambridge English Examinations: Speaking Test
  3. Dialogue speaking
  4. Discuss the basic situations: a) you show your city to English-speaking visitors; b) you take them on a sightseeing route; c) you answer the guest’s questions.
  5. Discuss the basic situations: a) you show your city to English-speaking visitors; b) you take them on a sightseeing route; c) you answer the guest’s questions.
  6. Dumbledore considered Voldemort over the top of his own goblet for a while before speaking.
  7. English-speaking country (the USA)
  8. Exercise 4. In pairs, make a list of five things you think are important when speaking about the WCO. Compare it with other pairs. How many of your points are the same?
  9. Harry waited until they could hear Xenophilius moving about in the kitchen downstairs before speaking.
  10. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the last to stop clapping, and as Professor Dumbledore started speaking again, they saw that Hagrid was wiping his eyes on the tablecloth.
  11. He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking.
  12. III. Speaking

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