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Unconvinced, Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged worried looks.

“Listen, don’t go asking too many questions about Hagrid,” said Sirius hastily, “it’ll just draw even more attention to the fact that he’s not back and I know Dumbledore doesn’t want that. Hagrid’s tough, he’ll be OK.” And when they did not appear cheered by this, Sirius added, “When’s your next Hogsmeade weekend, anyway? I was thinking, we got away with the dog disguise at the station, didn’t we? I thought I could—”

“NO!” said Harry and Hermione together, very loudly.

“Sirius, didn’t you see the Daily Prophet?” said Hermione anxiously.

“Oh, that,” said Sirius, grinning, “they’re always guessing where I am, they haven’t really got a clue—”

“Yeah, but we think this time they have,” said Harry. “Something Malfoy said on the train made us think he knew it was you, and his father was on the platform, Sirius—you know, Lucius Malfoy—so don’t come up here, whatever you do. If Malfoy recognizes you again—”

“All right, all right, I’ve got the point,” said Sirius. He looked most displeased. “Just an idea, thought you might like to get together.”

“I would, I just don’t want you chucked back in Azkaban!” said Harry.

There was a pause in which Sirius looked out of the fire at Harry, a crease between his sunken eyes.

“You’re less like your father than I thought,” he said finally, a definite coolness in his voice. “The risk would’ve been what made it fun for James.”


“Well, I’d better get going, I can hear Kreacher coming down the stairs,” said Sirius, but Harry was sure he was lying. “I’ll write to tell you a time I can make it back into the fire, then, shall I? If you can stand to risk it?”

There was a tiny pop, and the place where Sirius’s head had been was flickering flame once more.


They had expected to have to comb Hermione’s Daily Prophet carefully next morning to find the article Percy had mentioned in his letter. However, the departing delivery owl had barely cleared the top of the milk jug when Hermione let out a huge gasp and flattened the newspaper to reveal a large photograph of Dolores Umbridge, smiling widely and blinking slowly at them from beneath the headline.




“Umbridge—‘High Inquisitor’?” said Harry darkly, his half-eaten piece of toast slipping from his fingers. “What does that mean?”

Hermione read aloud:


In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

“The Minister has been growing uneasy about goings-on at Hogwarts for some time,” said Junior Assistant to the Minister, Percy Weasley. “He is now responding to concerns voiced by anxious parents, who feel the school may be moving in a direction they do not approve of.”

“This is not the first time in recent weeks that the Minister, Cornelius Fudge, has used new laws to effect improvements at the wizarding school. As recently as 30th August, Educational Decree Number Twenty-two was passed, to ensure that, in the event of the current Headmaster being unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should select an appropriate person.

“That’s how Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts,” said Weasley last night. “Dumbledore couldn’t find anyone so the Minister put in Umbridge, and of course, she’s been an immediate success—”

“She’s been a WHAT?” said Harry loudly.

“Wait, there’s more,” said Hermione grimly.


“—an immediate success, totally revolutionising the teaching of Defence Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground feedback about what’s really happening at Hogwarts.”

It is this last function that the Ministry has now formalized with the passing of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, which creates the new position of Hogwarts High Inquisitor.

“This is an exciting new phase in the Minister’s plan to get to grips with what some are calling the falling standards at Hogwarts,” said Weasley. “The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her own teaching post and we are delighted to say that she has accepted.”

Читайте також:

  1. A blank silence greeted Hermione’s words. She looked around at all the faces upturned to her, rather disconcerted.
  2. A few of the centaurs looked worried now. Hermione, however, gave a gasp.
  3. A few sparks shot out of the end of his wand, which was still pointed at Black’s face. Hermione fell silent.
  4. A lamp flickered on. It was Hermione Granger, wearing a pink bathrobe and a frown.
  5. A loud rattling noise behind them announced Hermione’s reappearance with the box of S.P.E.W. badges.
  6. A seam had split on Hermione’s bag. Harry wasn’t surprised; he could see that it was crammed with at least a dozen large and heavy books.
  7. After glancing once at this portrait, Professor McGonagall made an odd movement as though steeling herself, then rounded the desk to look at Harry, her face taut and lined.
  8. All usual pursuits were abandoned in the Gryffindor common room the night before the match. Even Hermione had put down her books.
  9. Almost against his will he glanced from Ron to Hermione, both of whom looked devastated.
  10. An odd, dreamy expression suddenly came over Hermione’s face. She slowly raised a hand and ran her fingers through her hair.
  11. And he told them what Professor McGonagall had said. To his surprise, neither of the others looked shocked. On the contrary, they exchanged significant looks.
  12. As the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station the next morning, Hermione gave Harry and Ron some surprising news.

Переглядів: 503

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ron laughed but Hermione looked upset. | The Ministry’s new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts.

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