Now that our pronunciation review is largly complete, we will emphasize conversation again. This week, we stress the past tense and "le". Next week, we will begin conversation drills in which you will take part by forming you own replies and answers.
Dónall (DOHN-uhl): Cébhuail an teach sin? Táballa leagtha (BAHL-uh LAG-huh). Who hit that house? There's a wall knocked down.
Pól (pohl):Ó, bhítimpist ann aréir (uh-RAY*R). Oh, there was an accident there last night. Chuaigh (K*OO-ig) tiománaí(ti-MAW*-nee) trísolas dearg (DYAR-ruhg) agus carr eile ag teacht go tapaidh (TAHP-ee). Chas an chéad (HYAY*-uhd) charr, ach níraibh an t-ádh (taw*) air. A driver went through a red light while another car was coming fast. The first car turned, but luck wasn't with him. Tháinig sésuas ar an gcosán (guh-SAW*N) agus direach isteach sa bhalla. D'éistíomar leis na tiománaithe ag caint le chéile. Drochchaint (druhk*-K*EYENT) ar fad. He came up on the sidewalk and right into the wall. We listened to the drivers talking to each other. Terrible language.
Dónall: Cad a tharla (HAHR-luh) ansin? What happened then?
Pól: Tháinig cara leis an tiománaíagus tharraing séan carr briste chuig garáiste (k*ig guh-RAW*SH-te). A friend of the driver came and towed the damaged car to the garage.