taom de thinneas croí(tay*m de HIN-yuhs kree), heart attack
bille (BIL-e), bill
meicneoir (mek-NYOH-ir), mechanic
casúr (kah-SOOR), hammer
Feminine Nouns
uirlis, an uirlise (OOR-lish, un OOR-lish-e), tool, the tool
moill, an mhoill (mwil, un VWIL), delay, the delay
ordóg, an ordóg (ohr-DOHG, un ohr-DOHG), thumb
ullmhaigh, ag ullmhú(Ul-vwee, eg UL-vwoo), prepare
ullmhaím (UL-vweem), I prepare
leag amach, ag leagan amach (lag uh-MAHK*, uh LAG-uhn uh-MAHK*), prepare
glac, ag glacadh (glahk, uh GLAHK-uh), accept, take
socraigh, ag socrú(SOH-kree, uh SOH-kroo), arrange
oilte (IL-te), skilled
dílis (DEE-lish), faithful
Translate these verb forms. Look at the key only if necessary.
Caith amaché. Nífhaca me riamhé. An mbearrfaidh sééfein? Cailleann ségach rud. Náréirigh túar maidin? Buail arísé. Ar fhágamar ag baileé? Scuabfaidh siad an halla.
Key:kah uh-MAHK* ay*. nee AH-kuh may* reev ay*. un MAHR-hee shay* ay* fay*n? KEYE-luhn shay* gahk* rud. naw*r EYE-ree too er MAH-din? BOO-il uh-REESH ay*. er AW*G-uh-muhr eg BAHL-e ay*? SKOOP-hee SHEE-uhd un HAHL-uh.
Translation:Throw it out. I never saw him. Will he shave? He loses everything. Didn't you get up this morning? Hit it again. Did we leave it home? They will sweep the hall.