1. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences:
1. The power plant provides power and a. cargo rooms and for mounting
a tail unit on it.
2. The ailerons are located at the b. the movement of the airplane
trailing edge of the wing and around the vertical axis.
3. The main function of the wing is c. propels the airplane.
4. The energy is derived from a d. to support the aircraft in flight.
chemical reaction which
5. The rudder is hinged to the fin e. takes place inside the engine
and it controls itself.
6. The rear part of the fuselage is f. control the motion of the airplane
designed for…. about the longitudinal axis.
You know that the history of aircraft designing was very long and designers constructed amazing flying machines. Prepare a report about one of them to your group mates.
Aircraft and Some Facts about the Flight
Preparing to Read
Look at the picture. What do you think this picture shows? Share your ideas with your partner.