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1. Look at the different layouts. Which are used to write a formal, semi-formal or informalletter?Which one would you use to write a letter to:

a) someone you know but are not on intimate terms with?

b) a relative?

c) a company manager whose name you know/don’t know?

d) the authorities?

1) Dear Margot,   Love, Chris 3) Dear Mr and Mrs Connelly,   Best wishes Alberto Ponti
2) Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully, Helen Perkins 4) Dear Sirs, Yours faithfully, Jessica Collins

2. a) Read these extracts and say which is a) informal, b) semi-formal and c) formal.

Regarding the future opportunities in your field of work, I would recommend that you consider trying to find a position of greater seniority. You have already proved yourself to be a highly competent and effective member of your company, and I believe that you now possess sufficient skills and experience to tackle the challenge of additional responsibility. On the matter of further training, I would suggest that you might try to upgrade your IT skills to enable you to take advantage of the full range of modern technology available. There are some very well-run and useful courses operating locally, at least one of which you should find appropriate to your needs.


If you really hate living in Winkleborough that much, I’d say do yourself a favour and leave. Don’t hang about either. If you come back here soon, I’m sure you can find a job without any problem, and you know you can stay with me until you find yourself a place to live. Why don’t you pull yourself together and get on with building a better life back here where you belong? It’s high time you took a few risks again, like when you were a kid. Get a new job, find some other stuff to fill your time. Move back here and go for it!


Of course, it will be a big change going to live in a different part of the country, away from your family and all your old friends, but it need not be as difficult as you seem to think. Why not apply for a room in a university hall of residence? Everything is provided, and because you live with a lot of other students, it is easy to make new friends. As far as the course goes, I am sure you will manage very well. The work is at a higher level, but I am certain you’ll enjoy the challenge. In fact, I think you will enjoy the opportunity to study your subject in depth, so I really think you should give it a try.

b) Underline the characteristics which indicate the style in each extract. What is the purpose of writing these letters and who are they addressed to?

3.Match formal and informal phrases.


Informal (spoken) language Formal (written) language
1. Thanks for your letter. a) I am writing with reference to the advertisement in...
2. I’ve just seen your advert in... b) due to the fact that
3. Can you tell me about...? c) Thank you for your letter dated 14 March.
4. because d) Please find enclosed...
5. Sorry, I can’t make the meeting. e) I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting.
6. Here are ... f) I would be grateful if you could send me some information about...
7. What exactly do you need? g) We are pleased to inform you that...
8. Just send the stuff back. We’ll pay. h) Please return the goods at our expense.
9. I’ve got some bad news. There’s no more until next month. i) Please let me know your exact requirements.
10. Good news! I’ve just heard that... j) If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
11. There isn’t much left. You better move fast. k) We regret to advise you that the goods you require are temporarily out of stock.
12. If you’d like any more details, just let me know. l) Please note that our stocks are limited. We advise customers to order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

4. Say which sentences are a) formal, b) semi-formal and c) informal. Which sentences are beginnings of a letter, and which are endings? What kind of letter(s) could each sentence belong to?

1. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.

2. It’ll be great to see you again after so long!

3. My husband and I request your presence…

4. It is with deep regret that I must inform you…

5. Hope this advice will be of some help to you.

6. Would it be possible to get together over lunch sometime soon?

7. I sympathize completely with your predicament, but unfortunately no further action can be taken at this time.

8. I am writing to complain about the service we received...

9. I’m looking forward to seeing you both on Saturday.

10. On behalf of our company, I would like to apologize for...

11. I’m really sorry about the misunderstanding, and I’m sure it won’t happen again.

12. I would like to inform you about the proposed changes due to take place over the coming months.

13. Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been up to my ears in work.

14. We thought we’d have a get-together in the near future and wondered if you’d like to come.

15. It appears that our records are out of date, so it would therefore be most helpful if you could forward the information requested overleaf.

16. I look forward to receiving the information requested.

17. I am writing in response to the advertisement concerning...

18. I am writing in my capacity as chairman of...

19. I would be most grateful if you could offer some advice...

20. I’ll be more than happy to put you up for a few days.

21. It would be lovely to see you again, so please do your best to make it.

22. Please do not hesitate to telephone if there should be any further problems.

23. I was most concerned to hear that you are not completely satisfied with one of our products.

24. I trust that this situation will be rectified without further delay.

25. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the meal I had at your restaurant last week.

26. I am writing with reference to the vacancy in your accounts department.

27. I assure you that we will give this matter serious consideration and would like to thank you for bringing the situation to our attention.

28. I’m just writing to let you know how sorry I am about missing your graduation ceremony.

5. In the letter below choose phrases corresponding to the formal style.

Mrs. Lloyd Personnel Manager BLD Services 22 Oak Road, Oxford, OD 26 18L   20 May, 2004 / 20th May   Dear Carol / Mrs. Lloyd,   I am writing to apply for the position / get the job of Marketing Manager in your Tokyo office, I read about / as advertised in last week’s Guardian newspaper on 2 May. As you can read / outlined in my CV, which I have enclosed / I’m sending with this letter, I went to / attended Riverside Secondary School. In 1987, I graduated from the University of Wales with a BSc in Marketing. After graduation / When I finished my studies, I moved to Tokyo where I trained as a market researcher for two years. When I came back / On my return to England, I continued working as a market researcher until 1993 when I obtained / got my present job / position. I am currently employed / Now I work as Assistant Managing Director at Melton Enterprises. My duties include / I have to control the organization of staff and stock. I am generally noted for my good managerial skills / They say I am good at managing. I believe that I would be an ideal / great candidate for the position, as I have had extensive marketing training. I also have a number / loads of good business friends / contacts in Tokyo and a basic understanding of the Japanese language / can speak Japanese a little. I enclose / am sending you my CV and photograph / photo as requested, and would be happy to supply you with further details / can give you every piece of information you need. I thank you for reading / considering my application and can come for / am willing to attend an interview at any time. Yours sincerely, / Best regards, Steven Bradley

6. How would you change the underlined words and phrases to make the style of the letter below more formal?

Wisteria Ltd. 21 Greenwood Street Norfolk, ND 896 J3   May 7th, Friday   Dear Wisteria Ltd.,   We got your name from Messrs. KLM Ltd., who have been buying from you for a couple of years. We asked them if they knew of a manufacturer who can send us right now the goods written on the enclosed list. We’ll tell you in confidence that our usual supplier has rather let us down this year on delivery dates and quantities, and we are in danger of getting into arrears with one or two of our contacts. If you can send the necessary goods, please accept this as our official order: we’ll payon any basis you like. We hope you will be able to meet our requirements in this instance, and would add that if your products are OK and terms of delivery rather short we should be interested in doing business with you. Write soon. Yours, Bob Purchasing Manager Watson & Sons, Ltd.

Use the words and phrases below:

· Yours faithfully, · Sirs
· acceptable to yourselves · some
· a long-term connection between us · satisfactory
· immediately · regular customers of yours
· competitive · Robert Wilson
· required · payment will be made
· supply · May 7, 2004
· would be able to supply · would explain
· We should appreciate a prompt reply. · specified
· Your name was given to us by…  

Ex.7.Rewrite the informal letter below making the style formal.


16 June


Dear Jack,

This is just a note to confirm a reservation that was made this morning by phone. The reservation for a couple of nights is for myself, David Cook.


I want a room with a bathroom, from 12-14 July inclusive. I’m going to pop into the Trade Fair that is being held in Bristol that week.


Thanks for sending me the brochure about your conference facilities, which I received this morning. They look great. I’m sorry I can’t give you any definite dates now. But I’ll drop you a line as soon as possible.


See you on 12 July.

Best wishes,



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