Rutin, vitamin P (permeability) – bioflavonoids, capillaris’s strengthening
There are about 2000 flavonoid’s compounds, but only flavons, flavonols, flavonons, katechins, etihydrochalkons have been vitamin activity.
Functions 1) they increase the biological action of ascorbic acid because they defend its from the oxidation; 2) they take part in oxidation – reduction’s processes; 3) they take part in the oxidation of proline and the formation of collagen; 4) they decrease the permeability of capillaris, therefor they inhibit hyaluronidase.
Sources there are many vP in citric fruits, dog rose, black current, ashberry, cranberry, red berry, bilberry, plumb, grape, leaves of tea. Requirement – 25-50mg per day.
Deficiency symptoms same scurvy – hemorrhages, bleeding gum, pains in muscles, fatigue.