How? By burning it. This is a good idea because it
1) saves fossil fuels;
2) means burying less rubbish;
3) cuts pollution.
Energy from rubbish is cleaner and 11 cheaper than energy from fossil fuels. At the moment, most countries only turn between 5% and 10% of their rubbish into energy.
Use Rubbish Again
lot of what we throw away is still useful. It's possible, in fact, to recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. This includes most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic. But there's a problem. Recycling is expensive. That's (at the moment) we only recycle about 15% of glass, 20% of plastic and 30% of paper. But it's getting cheaper and easier to recycle all the time. One reason for this is the growing number of recycling centres. (For example, there are more “bottle banks” today than ever before.)
Also, some countries now have recycling laws. These mean that supermarkets pay customers to return tins and bottles.