Содержание, цели, методы и основные показатели конъюнктуры миррового товарного рынка. Задачи и содержание прогнозирования МТР.
The world economy is still struggling to gain momentum as many high-income countries continue to grapple with the legacies of the global financial crisis. The recovery in high-income economies has been uneven, as some (the United States and the United Kingdom) have exceeded pre-crisis output peaks, but others (the Euro Area) are still below earlier peaks. Middle-income economies have also been less dynamic than in the past for cyclical reasons, but also due to a structural slowdown. Low-income countries continue to grow at a robust pace, despite a challenging global environment. Overall, global growth is expected to rise in 2015 to 3.0 percent and to be sustained at 3.2-3.3 percent in 2016-17.