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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Compound Sentence. Semantic relations between the clauses.

Compound Sentence consists of 2 or more clauses of equal rank which are joined to form 1 syntactic whole, both in meaning & intonation. Such clauses are called coordinate, or conjoins. They are regarded as independent, for there is no hierarchy. The clauses may be joined syndetically\ asyndetically. Asyndetic coordination – with no special connector: Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. Syndetic – expressed by special coordinators (coordinating conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs – conjuncts). One earns his living, another brings up children. He was quite well-off; also his whole family was rich. Semicolon, colon & dash are used in writing. There are 4 types of coordination: copulative, disjunctive, adversative & causative-consecutive.

Copulative coordination. The clauses are simply linked together to express 2 or more related facts by means of the following coordinators: and, (and) neither, neither…nor, nor, not only…but (also), also, even, besides, furthermore, moreover, likewise, either, too, indeed, plus… A man is as old as he feels, & a woman is as old as she looks. And is more frequently used: a) chronological sequence: - The clock struck 5 & the 1st visitor arrived. b) cause & consequence – We heard a strange noise on the roof, and mother suggested calling the police. c) contrast:- In winter the days are short & the nights are long. d) condition: Give me some money & I’ll buy us smth. E) comment or explanation:- There is only 1 thing to do now - & that’s to sell our shares.

Disjunctive coordination. Compound Ss with disjunctive coordination express an alternative, which is achieved with the help of the following coordinators: or, or else, either…or, otherwise.

Either he will live now or we all should go. Disjunctive Ss are used to give advice, a warning & an order. Such Ss consist of an imperative clause & a clause opening with or\otherwise & containing a V in the future tense: Hurry up, or you’ll be late again.

Adversative coordination. In compound Ss with adversative coordination the statements expressed by the clauses are contrasted in meaning. Coordinators: but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, and\but yet, whereas, while, whilst, only: Knowledge makes one laugh, but wealth makes one dance.

Causative-consecutive coordination expresses the idea of cause & consequence, Coordinators: for, hence, consequently, then, therefore, thus, accordingly, so: God helps the poor, for the rich can help themselves.

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The Definition of the Sentence. Its Essential Features. The Classification of Sentences. | Man | saw

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