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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Anchorage is available as follows:

Eastbourne Bay (50° 46' N, 0° 19' E) in depths of 9 m, sand and mud, good holding ground. The recommended position, shown on the chart, is 132° from the pier head (3.130) 8 cables. The anchorage is sheltered from the W, through N to NE.

Off Hastings, but the anchorage is open and not recommended except in fair weather. The best anchorage, in depths of about 6 m, sand and mud, is 6 cables S of Hastings Pier (50° 5 r N, 0° 34' E).

West Road (50° 54'N, 0° 54'E) in depths of 8m, fine sand over clay and mud, good holding ground, provides shelter between N and E. The recommended position, shown on the chart, is within Stephenson Shoal (3.1 15) 250° from Dungeness New Lighthouse (3.114) 3 miles. Small craft may lie closer inshore, but must be prepared for a sudden shift of wind. The anchorage lies within a firing danger area.


Anchorage is not recommended in Pevensey Bay (3.109) as the wind tends to back S in bad weather and the sea rises rapidly. The anchorage in Eastbourne Bay is more sheltered and the holding ground better.

Tidal streams

Between Oxford Ness (52° 05' N: 1° 35' E) and Kentish Knock, 25 miles S, there is little difference at which the times of the streams begin. However off North Foreland, 15 miles S of Kentish Knock, the streams begin l'/2 hours earlier. Farther W in the estuary the streams begin progressively later and off the entrance to the River Thames and River Medwav are labours later than in the outer estuary.

The tidal streams run across the outer part of the estuary and are generally rectilinear running in a SSW (in-going) or NNE (out-going) direction. Farther in the estuary the streams run in the direction of the channels tending to divide and run in the channel either side of a shoal, but this varies depending on the depth over the shoal and near HW the stream may run unhindered across the shoal Towards the side of a channel there may be eddies, especially off projecting points of the sands and shoals, and off the entrance to a swatchway the stream may differ considerably from that in mid-channel. In the swatchways the streams are usually more or less rotary and weaker than in the main channels.

See also Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas and Co-Tidal Charts Thames Estuary and information on the charts.

Переглядів: 510

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