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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Choose the right answer (A, B, C, or 4) to fill each gap:

112. The three musicians play on … stage.

1) a new 2) a newer

3) newest 4) more new


113. She speaks in … voice than the last time.

1) a loud 2) a louder

3) the loudest 4) the most loud


114. This was … film he had ever seen.

1) bad 2) worse

3) the worst 4)badly


115. They leave … way they can.

1) a quick 2) a quicker

3) the quickest 4) more quick


116. A whale is … than a dolphin.

1) long 2) longer

3) the longest 4) more long


117. This coat is … of all.

1) an expensive 2) a less expensive

3) the least expensive 4) the expensivest


118. … supplies will soon be available.

1) far 2) farther

3) farthest 4) further


119. Happiness is … than money.

1) important 2) more important

3) the most important 4) the importantest


120. Is it … to go there by car or by train?

1) cheap 2) cheaper

3) the cheapest 4) more cheap


121. Do you know that the Dead Sea is … sea.

1) a salty 2) a saltier

3) a saltiest 4) more salty


122. I have never drunk … beer.

1)gooder 2) better

3) the best 4) the most good


123. Which instrument makes … music in the world?

1) a beautiful 2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful 4) beatifuller


124. Julian behaved very … at the party last night.

1) bad 2) badly

3) worse 4) worst


125. This is … problem she has ever had.

1) a great 2)a greater

3) the greatest 4) more great


126. He is … than me.

1) elder 2) the eldest

3) the oldest 4) older


127. The youngest of the family was ….

1) more successful 2) the most successful

3) successful 4) successfully


128. These trousers are too small. I need … size.

1) a large 2) a larger

3) the largest 4)more large


129. This is … beer that I have ever drunk.

1) good 2) better

3)the best 4) more good


130. China has got … population in the world.

1) a large 2) a larger

3) the largest 4) more large


131. Of the three girls, this one is the ….

1) pretty 2) prettier

3) prettiest 4) more pretty


132. Which is …: five, fifteen or fifty?

1) little 2) less

3) the least 4)small


133. Susan is … person in the whole band.

1) a wonderful 2) a more wonderful

3) the most wonderful 4) wonderfulest


134. The weather is getting … and colder.

1) the coldest 2) colder

3) cold 4)more cold


135. I think dogs are … than cats.

1) intelligent 2) more intelligent

3) the most intelligent 4) intelligenter


136. My case isn’t very ….

1) heavy 2) heavier

3) the most heavy 4) hevier


137. Money is important, but isn’t … thing in life.

1) an important 2) more important

3) the most important 4) importanter


138. This room is not so ... as that one on the first floor.

1) comfortable 2) more comfortable

3) the most comfortable 4) comfortabler


139. I am not so ... as a horse.

1) strong 2) stronger

3) the strongest 4)more strong


140. That painting is ... than the one in your living room.

1) impressive 2) less impressive

3) the least impressive 4) the impressivest


141. Betty is less hard-working than Jane, but Kate is ... of all.

1) a hard-working 2) less hard-working

3) the least hard-working 4) hard-workinger


142. I suppose you know him well – probably ... than anybody else.

1) better 2) more well

3) good 4) the best


143. He spoke English badly -- ... than expected.

1) worse 2) more badly

3) the worst 4) bad


144. I can’t understand what you are saying. Could you speak a bit ...?

1) slowlier 2) more slowly

3) slow 4) the slowliest


145. My mother was feeling tired last night so she went to bed ... than usual.

1) earlier 2) more early

3) early 4) the earliest


146. June in not so ... as July.

1) hot 2) hotter

3) the hottest 4) more hot


147. She has ... job of all.

1) a difficult 2) a more difficult

3) the most difficult 4) difficulter


148. You are quite ... at playing the piano, aren’t you?

1) better 2) the best

3) good 4) more good


149. Think about it ... before you make a decision.

1) careful 2) carefully

3) more careful 4) the most careful


150. He is also ... person than Paul.

1) a polite 2) a more polite

3) the most polite 4) the politest


151. I like my bedroom because it’s so ....

1) cosy 2) the cosiest

3) cosier 4) more cosy


152. It makes me feel ... to think of you living alone.

1) sader 2) sad

3) more sad 4) the most sad


153. Your perfume smells ....

1) beautiful 2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful 4) beautifully


154. This was ... concession he would make.

1) the farthest 2) the furthest

3) further 4) farther


155. He is ... than I am.

1) elder 2) the eldest

3) older 4) the oldest


156. Your coffee is so ... as the coffee my brother makes.

1) better 2) the best

3) more good 4) good


157. The new tower blocks are much ... than the old buildings.

1) high 2) higher

3) the highest 4) more high


158. Don’t talk about them. Let’s talk about something ....

1) an interesting 2) more interesting

3) the most interesting 4) interestinger


159. He makes ... mistakes than you do.

1) fewer 2)few

3) the fewest 4) more few


160. I didn’t expect him to be so ....

1) stronger 2) the strongest

3) strong 4) more strong


161. I’d like to change cars ....

1) more often 2) oftener

3) the oftenest 4) often


162. I didn’t think it would be so ....

1) expensive 2) more expensive

3) the most expensive 4) expensively


163. Emma’s tooth ached … .

1) terrible 2) more terrible

3) terribly 4) terriblest


164. Henry shouted … for hours.

1) angrily 2) angry

3) most angry 4) angrier


165. The machine switches itself off … .

1) automatic 2) automatical

3) automaticly 4) automatically


166. We need to debate the problem … .

1) public 2) publical

3) publicly 4) publically


167. Claire doesn’t want to marry Henry. She thinks he’s … .

1) old enough 2) enough old

3) too old 4) old too


168. The water isn’t … . It needs to be boiling.

1) enough hot 2) hot enough

3) too hot 4) hot too


169. No wonder you’re tired. You’ve been going to … parties.

1) too many 2) too much

3) enough 4) more


170. The journey took a long time because the train travelled so … .

1) slow 2) slower

3) slowly 4) slowily


171. It was hot and the sun shone … from a clear sky.

1) bright 2) brightly

3) brighty 4) brightily


172. He can’t wait … for the journey to end.

1) patient 2) patienty

3) patiently 4) patientely


173. The puzzles are … difficult for children.

1) enough 2) too

3) much 4) too much


174. She always arrives … at nine.

1) punctual 2) more punctual

3) most punctual 4) punctually


175. It was important for them to meet … .

1) secretic 2) secretical

3) secretly 4) secretically


176. I had a terrible journey, but the pilot managed to land … .

1) safely 2) more safe

3) too safe 4) safe


177. Her English is good, and she speaks very … .

1) fluent 2) fluently

3) more fluent 4) too fluent


178. She plays the piano very …

1) good 2) goodly

3) well 4) better


179. The train went quite …

1) fastly 2) fastest

3) more fast 4) fast


180. I tried … , but I didn’t succeed.

1) hard 2) hardly

3) more hard 4) most hard


181. I’ve been very busy … .

1) late 2) lately

3) later 4) latest


182. I slept … last night.

1) bad 2) badly

3) good 4) goodly


183. I was too nervous to go … than halfway up the tower.

1) high 2) higher

3) highest 4) more high


184. You can find the place … with a map.

1) more easily 2) easilier

3) more easy 4) too easy


185. My new job is great. I like it … than my old one.

1) more better 2) much better

3) most better 4) very better


186. You must try and get to the lesson … .

1) more early 2) more earlier

3) too early 4) earlier


187. I use the car … often than I used to.

1) less 2) the less

3) least 4) the least


188. She ran to the station as … as she could.

1) quicker 2) most quick

3) more quick 4) quickly


189. Try to get here … you can.

1) the soon 2) soon as

3) as soon as 4) soonest


190. The person who runs … will win first prize.

1) the quickest 2) quickly

3) most quick 4) quicker


191. Bill ran … of all and came last.

1) slowly 2) the slowest

3) most slow 4) more slowly


192. The caravan was rolling … down the hill.

1) fast and fast 2) faster and more fast

3) faster and faster 4) faster and the fastest


193. He came … in the race.

1) lastly 2) last

3) lastest 4) laster


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