МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах
РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання ЧОМУ ФОНД ОЛЕНИ ПІНЧУК І МОЗ УКРАЇНИ ПРОПАГУЮТЬ "СЕКСУАЛЬНІ УРОКИ" ЕКЗИСТЕНЦІЙНО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ОСНОВИ ПОРУШЕННЯ СТАТЕВОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ ПІДЛІТКІВ Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами ЛІВИЙ МАРКСИЗМ У НОВИХ ПІДРУЧНИКАХ ДЛЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів
Тлумачний словник Авто Автоматизація Архітектура Астрономія Аудит Біологія Будівництво Бухгалтерія Винахідництво Виробництво Військова справа Генетика Географія Геологія Господарство Держава Дім Екологія Економетрика Економіка Електроніка Журналістика та ЗМІ Зв'язок Іноземні мови Інформатика Історія Комп'ютери Креслення Кулінарія Культура Лексикологія Література Логіка Маркетинг Математика Машинобудування Медицина Менеджмент Метали і Зварювання Механіка Мистецтво Музика Населення Освіта Охорона безпеки життя Охорона Праці Педагогіка Політика Право Програмування Промисловість Психологія Радіо Регилия Соціологія Спорт Стандартизація Технології Торгівля Туризм Фізика Фізіологія Філософія Фінанси Хімія Юриспунденкция |
REFERENCEExercise 8. Fill in the gaps with PERSONAL PRONOUNS, ‘ONE’-PRONOUN or POSSESSIVE FORMS to refer back to something that has already been mentioned. 1. In _____ fright Rosetta seized Gabriel's hand, he felt her plump, soft palm, and entwined _____fingers with____. Gabriel's hand was cold and rough and _____ pressed hard, harder all the time. 2. The cat joined the Re-education Committee and was very active ________ for some days. ______ was seen one day sitting on a roof and talking to some sparrows who were just out of ______ reach. _____ was telling ______ that all animals were now comrades and that any sparrow who chose could come and perch on ______ paw; but ______ kept ______ distance. 3. I have an aspirin, if you want _____ . 4. The green light went out, the red _____ came on. 5. The top front teeth are ______ which are most at risk from tooth decay. 6. Merely having enough houses for the number of families that claim to want one, would not remove the housing problem
Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with QUANTITY PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS to refer back. 1. She began to consult doctors, and ______ had a different diagnosis. 2. Thousands of new diets are dreamed up yearly; ______ are soon forgotten, ______ are sufficiently effective to become popular. 3. The most startling thing about Goa are the four great Catholic churches built in old Goa and now surrounded by jungle; _____ had been abandoned to nature but _____ were still in use. 4. Small meteorites hit the Earth all the time. Most of them incinerate in the atmosphere. The cores of the larger ______ survived to pulverise craters on the earth; many of them have been eroded or obliterated by glaciation, but ______ have survived. _______ have landed in the deep Antarctic ice: ______ are regularly retrieved and studied because ______ are less likely to be contaminated with earth material. ______ come from outside the solar system, _______ are believed to have come from Mars. (All the pronouns refer to the meteorites in the text). 5. The old greed for power? It is one, if not the most important source of wars, conflicts, and family quarrels, more than _______, come to think of it.
Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with DEMONSTRATIVES to refer back. 1. She told me she loved me more than all my brothers and sisters combined. She was afraid to show it because they would be jealous. ______ were her exact words. 2. “The hotel's bad - the weather's awful! What a holiday! ______ is the end!” “Well - I told you the weather was unpredictable here. The only person you have to blame for ______ is yourself!” “_____ 's what you always say!” 3. The cost of the operation in 1990 and 1991 will be nearly 10 million dollars. Over half of _____ relates to personnel costs such as salaries, fees and travel expenses. 4. A century earlier, Messina had had a famous architectural seafront, lined with elegant palaces. Only remnants of ______ remained now. 5. I'm quite happy if you ignore the format of the essay and just produce a sheet in which you say " _____ are my thoughts". 6. Rights? You ceased to have ______ from the moment you were brought here. 7. Yes, you can trust a botanist; at least, _____ from the Royal Botanic Gardens. 8. The public is only interested in generals who win battles, not in ______ who lose them. 9. He employed a housekeeper about whom he would sometimes remark, rather unkindly, that not only was she of indeterminate age, but also of indeterminate sex, unaware that _____ was exactly what others frequently said about him. 10. "I wonder if the police have managed to get hold of Matt. I'll try and find out." Brand assured her. "_____ would be a relief," she said gratefully. 11. At first I thought that this reorganization was simply an attempt on his part to gain more power. But ______ is not the explanation. 12. Few drivers left the highway here, although there was a grassy area which made _______ possible.
Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with DO / SO / NOT to refer back. 1. They hated children. I heard them say _____. 2. "But you 'II be taken prisoner, won't you ?"— "I hope ____" 3. How do youknow no one else saw her?"— "Someone might have, sir, butif _______,they haven't come forward yet." 4. "Were there any survivors?"— "No, sir. I'm afraid ____" 5. Ask her if it is a convenient time. If _____, can she suggest another possible time? 6. Iris avoided wine with her meal but even ____ she felt unutterably drowsy afterwards. 7. "You're probably better equipped to do it than he would be even if he were here."— "Maybe _____. But it's hard all the same. 8. Nothing changes, or _____ it seems. 9. I always read a lot and I ______ more than ever while preparing a new TV programme. 10. People who talk soppy to their dogs almost always _______ in public as well as in private. As a vet's wife I'd noticed that. But Martin ______ in private, and adopted a brisk, no-nonsense approach in public. It just didn't make sense.
Exercise 12. Find a relevant reference NOUN or SUCH+NOUN to substitute for the underlined part of the text. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Why is it that feminists always say "women feel" when what they mean is “feminists feel”? It is not at all the same ______. 2. Some visitors may come by road from Zaire; in that _____, they will probably enter Zambia through Kaumbalesa or Mokambo. 3. If an unemployed worker refuses training or a job his benefits are stopped. In this ______ Sweden has virtually abolished long-term unemployment. 4. We have decided to use the jam you sent us only with our evening cup of tea, and in that ______ it will last us a long time. 5. There have long been rumours that they have been trying to acquire anti-aircraft missiles, but this is the first time they have claimed the use of _____. 6. He had never seen a woman in his close family openly lose her temper with a male relative, and believed that only bad women did ________. 7. My friends would take the children out and keep them for a night to give me a break. And my doctor continued to listen, to believe, teaching me how to cope. I was very lucky to be surrounded by ________. 8. "I just want justice."— "There's ________ any more and you're not being honest. You want revenge." 9. He personally hoped that the Nature Conservancy or __________ would buy up the island. 10. She was struck by a picture of a woman with a long dress and a plunging neckline and a tall hair-do. _______ were the fashions in those days.
Exercise 13. Find a relevant reference DETERMINER+NOUN or DEMONSTRATIVE+NOUN to substitute for the underlined part of the text. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The government says environmental taxation will be introduced only when competitor countries take __________ . 2. If you're a bricklayer or an athlete you will need more food to "fuel" ___________ than if you are a secretary or a student. 3. Almost all state enterprises should be sold off or closed over the next few months. As with the constitution and decentralization, _________ create both promise and risk. 4. These huge trees, in fact, are feeding on themselves, for the moment their leaves fall they decay and become the food on which the trees feed. So rapid is __________ that only a thin topsoil is able to form. 5. This extra production, combined with a seasonal slump in demand, has caused sharp falls in the prices of some crude oils in recent weeks. Under ___________ , present market weakness is hardly surprising. 6. Not only did stress literally save our lives, but we almost became addicted to the stress reaction, liking to fight even when not necessary. In __________ , modern man's behaviour begins to make sense. 7. -"I'm living on massive bank overdrafts." — "I understand," Jefferson murmured, "I'll help you." — 'No, no," Mahoney said. "I'm just explaining __________ ." 8. He'd obviously been drinking and he looked flushed and angry. I've never seen him in __________ before or since. 9. During another experiment, though, she saw two images. _________ was unexpected but turned out to be extremely important. 10. Vegetarians have significantly thinner blood and lower blood pressure than meat eaters. _________ is caused partly by a reduction in the number of red blood cells. 11. The court decided thatthe time she had already served in prison was sufficient punishment for the manslaughter charge. ___________ could just as easily have occurred with a male defendant. 12. The husband subsequently pleaded guilty to the assault and was convicted. At the time of ______ the victim was 38 and had four children. 13. Ghosts and demons? Don't tell me you still believe in ___________! 14. Of course if you are going to a party, or performing an important public role, that's different. Just make sure your make-up all comes off after ___. 15. Leave the beans to stand for 6-8 hours in a cool place, then drain. The harder the bean, the more it will benefit from longer soaking, so ___________ is advisable for soya beans, chick peas and butter beans especially. 16. A further act of Parliament took the regulation of admissions and detention of mental patients out of legal hands and gave it over to doctors. Most psychiatrists felt that ____________ worked well. 17. Finishing his drink, he went to bed, _________ easily accomplished by him these days as he simply took off some clothes and crawled under the sheets. 18. Nearly all the factories in the nation have closed, and food and money are scarce. News of _____ is only beginning to spread beyond its borders. 19. I used to wonder what responsible choice we could make: using paper destroys trees while plastic pollutes the planet. Lately I've been avoiding __________ by bringing my own canvas bags when I go to the store. 20. "Rehabilitation is often thought of as restoring an area of land to its original conditions," says the bank's report. "However, _________ is rarely feasible. Often", it says, "rehabilitation will mean simply restoring a cover of vegetation to eroding soils." 21. If you have been the subject of a crime, try to find witnesses, and report _________ to the police. 22. Leo's view is that if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing as well as it can possibly be done, so he will work just as hard at his hobby as at his career. One of the advantages of __________ is that at any time a hobby can be turned into a career. 23. 1 kept hoping that if I didn’t look at them they would quietly go away. When I had finished, I opened my eyes and discovered that _________ had been granted. There was only one person left in the audience.
Exercise 3. Rewrite using NON-FINITE or VERBLESS clauses.
Example: When he looked at his watch, he saw that it was half past five. à Looking at his watch, he saw that it was half past five. 1) After he left the hotel early in the morning, he headed for the public library, and took up his usual position on the steps. 2) He grew impatient if he was told that something could not be done, because it had not been done before. 3) He stared vacantly at the people who were milling around as if they were unaware of the commotion. 4) They said they were so busy they would need a week before they took action. 5) Even when she was asked a direct question she scarcely bothered to answer. 6) These schemes should be fairer to taxpayers, but they would still be expensive, especially if they were available to all. 7) He poured himself another drink; he was unwilling to lose the moment and the memory. 8) I've heard that Joe Wilson, though he is unwilling to part with any money during his life, will leave everything to her after his death. 9) Do you think that while he was still in motion his cycle was kicked from behind? 10) How do we choose? When we have chosen, how do we know that this is the best choice? 11) She didn't realize it. but she was moving along the road, and was unaware of its crystal-hard covering of ice. Without_______________ 12) Because she realized that she was blocking his path, she stepped cautiously to one side. 13) Although they were unhappy with the opinion polls. Republicans argued yesterday that they would receive a boost from their convention in August. 14) He finished the tea and laid the cup aside, because he wasn't expecting her to answer. 15) Mother had had a fainting fit when she heard the news. ………………………………..on.................................................. 16) The doctors have been marvellous in the way they have explained everything. 17) Joannastartled Enid: she gave her an utterly inappropriate hug. .............................................by.................................................. 18) His eves were fixed on the lake: he made the sort of meaningless remarksthat the occasion required.
Exercise 4. Join the sentences using NON-FINITE or VERBLESS clauses.
1. I read a book. A friend of yours wrote it. 2. A man got on the bus. He was carrying a monkey in a box. 3. In the street there were several people. They were waiting for the shop to open. 4. Britain imports many cars. They are made in Japan. 5. There are a lot of people in your office. They wish to talk to you. 6. The cowboy fell off his horse. He had been wounded by an arrow. 7. Most of the people recovered quickly. They were injured in the crash. 8. John looked anxiously at his watch. He wished he hadn't come to the party. 9. There was a crowd of people outside the football stadium. They all were trying to get in. 10. John gave us the documents. They neatly folded and filed. 11. I was absolutely baffled. I reread the extract. 12. The children sat down obediently. Their eyes were on the food. 13. She was looking unkempt. Her skirt was crumpled and creased. 14. I felt shocked by the news. I tried to work out what needed to be done. 15. The prisoner twisted a coat-hanger into the keyhole. He managed to open the door. 16. She was surrounded by the police. She hid the drug. 17. She was robbed several times. She always avoided walking home alone at night. 18. More than 20 inmates escaped from Leyton top security jail last night. They have now been caught. 19. There were explosives hidden in the luggage. The sniffer dogs could smell them.
Exercise 5. Make one sentence, incorporating the extra information into the base sentence.
1. A lady was sitting in her garden. Grey-haired/ shawl around her shoulders/ she watched the sun/ the sun was setting. 2. Peter has a house. He works in London/ he works for a company/ the company sells computers/ three-bedrooms/ the house overlooks the river Thames. 3. A man walked along the road. Elderly/ a wrinkled face/ an old raincoat/ slowly/ dusty/ tree-lined. 4. Ann Cross was seen in a restaurant. The actress/ she won an Oscar for a film/ the film was made last year/ she was having dinner with a man/ his company recently went bankrupt. 5. A boy was sitting at the table in the corner. Thin/ dark-haired/ gray flannel jacket/ the sleeves were too short/ a glass of coffee in front of him.
Exercise 6. Proofread the following sentences.
6. A man to whom I was talking to recently told me a joke, which was very funny, but that I have unfortunately forgotten. 7. Our director for who’s job I applied when the previous director left, has announced that the pay rise, which we asked for, has had to be postponed, that really upset us. 8. The actress Joan Kelly whose most famous film was ‘One for the Road’ for that she won an Oscar award, has died at the age of 77 at her home in California, in which she had lived for the last 25 years. 9. This morning, I got a cheque in the post that I wasn’t expecting, for some work, which I did a long time ago, translating business texts. 10. Lord Brown on whom many people look as the best prime minister of the century and who’s memoirs that were published last year caused a scandal, got married to a woman, who he first met 55 years ago, when they were at school together.