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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Вставьте слово в пропущенное место в нужной форме.

1) He___ reads a book. (quick)

2) Mandy is a ___girl. (pretty)

3) The class is ___loud today. (terrible)

4) Max is a ___singer. (good)

5) You can ___open this tin. (easy)

6) It's a ___day today. (terrible)

7) She sings the song ___ (good)

8) He is a ___driver. (careful)

9) He drives the car___ (careful)

10) The dog barks ___. (loud)

11) The bus driver was ___ injured. (serious)

12) Kevin is ___ clever. (extreme)

13) This hamburger tastes ___. (awful)

14) Be ___ with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)

15) Robin looks ___. What's the matter with him? (sad)

16) Jack is ___ upset about losing his keys. (terrible)

17) This steak smells ___. (good)

18) Our basketball team played ___ last Friday. (bad)

19) Don't speak so ___. I can't understand you. (fast)

20) Maria ___ opened her present. (slow)


Use the proper degree of adjectives and adverbs.

1) This is a nice cat. It's much ___ than my friend's cat.

2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is ___.

3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the ___ exercise on the worksheet.

4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the ___ hobby in the world.

5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even ___one last weekend.

6) School is boring, but homework is ___ than school.

7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is ___ than skateboarding.

8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is ___.

9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even ____ than ours.

10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the ___ joke I've ever heard.

11) My father is heavy. My uncle is much ___ than my father.

12) The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was ___.

13) Florida is sunny. Do you know the ___ place in the USA?

14) Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is ___ than Stan.

15) My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is ___ than my mother's.

16) Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the ___ baby on earth.

17) I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a ___ family.

18) We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even ___ time.

19) Lucy is clever, but Carol is ___ than Lucy.

20) Have you visited the old castle? It was the ___ castle we visited during our holidays.


Переглядів: 615

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Open the brackets and write the comparative/superlative degree of the adverbs. | Complete the following comparisons.

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