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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the sentence. The first sentence is done for you as the example.

1 She spends too much money playing in the amusing arcade. amuse  
2 My friends think men who knit are hilariously ___________ . fun
3 One of my most _______________ hobbies is playing a musical instrument. enjoy  
4 It is so _____________ lying on the beach doing absolutely nothing. please
5 We could hear loud _____________ coming from the flat downstairs. laugh

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of a verb from the list.

have take go do make


1 She ____________ excellent photographs of people in markets.

2 If we have nothing to do, we can ___________ a game of cards.

3 He ___________ model planes using matches and thin paper.

4 Jenny __________ guitar lessons.

5 She ___________ a lot of sewing in her spare time.

6 Chess is a great game to play but it __________ too much time.

7 I don’t seem to __________ enough time for all my hobbies!

8 We __________ swimming later on – do you want to come with us?

THE –ING FORM is used:  
  • as a noun. Walking is good exercise.
  • after certain verbs: admit, appreciate, avoid, continue, delay, deny, discuss, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for activities), imagine, mention, mind, miss, quit, recollect, report, resist, save, suggest, practice, consider, prevent, understand, etc. Can you imagine winning the lottery?
  • after love, like, prefer, dislike, hateto express general preference. Jamie enjoys talking to his friends on the phone.
  • after expressions such as be busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can’t help, there’s no point in, can’t stand, have difficulty in, have trouble, in addition to, as well as,etc. There is no point in talking to the boss about it, he never listens to us.
  • after spend, waste, lose(time, money, etc). He spent a lot of time and money repairing his car.
  • after the preposition towith verbs and expressions such aslook forward to, be used to, object, prefer (doing smth to smth).He prefers swimming to playing football.
  • after other prepositions. He was thinking of quitting his job.
  • after the verbs hear, listen to, notice, see, watch,and feel to describe an incomplete action. I heard Nicky talking to Chris.

Open the brackets and comment which case of use of the –ing form of the verb it is.


1 I like _________________ (play) tennis.

2 If a job is worth ___________ (do), it’s worth __________ (do) it well.

3 I look forward to _____________ (see) you soon.

4 She doesn’t mind ______________ (get up) early.

5 It’s no use ____________________ (talk) to Bob; he won’t change his mind.

6 The kitchen windows need _____________________ (clean).

7 I dislike ______________ (go) to the theatre alone.

8 My sister can’t stand ___________________ (watch) horror films. She gets

terribly scared.

9 There’s no point in ____________________ (call) again. There’s no one at


10 Can you imagine __________________ (spend) your holidays on the moon?


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C Using the adjectives you have got, say which hobby is the most unusual, popular, etc. and why. | Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary as in the example in the first line.

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