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Ex. 1 Explain the use of the Past Perfect in the following sentences and describe the character of the action expressed by it

1. He asked me if I had had breakfast. 2. He now opened the low gate that he had so often swung on as a small boy. 3. She was sure that he had never lied to her before. 4. He knew that as a girl she had lived in Rome. 5. Jack chose the hotel. He had never been there before but he had heard his mother speak of it once. She had said she had liked it. 6. He was pleased to meet Dave again. He had known him for ten or eleven years, and they had played tennis together in Paris. 7. He remembered how the ball had hit squarely on the nose and the bleeding hadn't stopped for three hours. 8. They had been married only a few months when they gave Up living in London. 9. He glanced up and down the beach to see if he had left anything. 10. She realized that she was faint for food. She had eaten nothing since the picnic. 11. He quite forgot that Julian had been divorced for some time. 12. He decided to wait till he had talked to the man himself. 13. He was not aware how long he had sat there. 14. I called at nine and the man said she had gone out about an hour ago. 15. I knew he would ask me for news of his son as soon as he had seen the last guest off. 16. It happened that his desire to go to France fell in with certain ideas which had been of late discussed at the committee. 17.I took my temperature again later in the evening, when David had gone, and found that it had gone up by point two degrees, which made me feel more unwell than ever.


Переглядів: 412

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Past and past perfect tenses in time clauses | Ex. 2 Use Past Perfect or the Past Indefinite in the following clauses of time

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