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Ex. 7 Use the required past forms in the following complex sentences with before-clauses

1. He (to stumble) against the chair before he (to find) the lamp. 2. He (to decide) to get a present for his children before he (to leave) Rome. 3. He (to begin) apologizing before I (to pay) the driver. 4. The noise of their footsteps (to become) distant before my father (to speak) again. 5. He (to knock) and (to ring) for some time before he (to make) himself heard. 6. He (to walk) quite close to them before he (to speak). 7. They (not to go) four miles before Tony (to get) the impression that the children liked driving with him. 8.I (to realize) before you (to be) here a fortnight that you never were cut out for this life. 9. Miss Able (to hunt) everywhere for the box before she (to find) it. 10. Almost before I (to shut) my eyes, I (to feel) a nudge in my side. 11. The next morning Hudson (to come) into my room before I (to finish) breakfast. 12.She looked so cool and fresh that he (to spend) a moment admiring her before he (to speak). 13. He (to hang) around the theatre for seven years before he (to have) any recognition at all. 14. He (not to be) there for two days before he (to say) that the wish to see her had been the reason for his coming. 15.She went, unwillingly, at the end of the week. Before she (to be) gone twenty-four hours he (to find) his mistake. 16. He (to know) before he (to say) this that it would annoy her. 17. On the beach they (to find) a suitable place for lunch before they (to go) very far. 18. In the summer Willy often (to take) very early walks by the sea before anyone (to be) up. 19.Thank God I (to find) it out before I (to make) more of a fool of myself. 20.The bus (to begin) to move before he (to reach) it.


Ex. 8 Use the required past forms in the following complex sentences containing the correlatives scarcely / hardly / nearly / barely / when and no sooner... than

1. She hardly (to sit) down when a very stout gentleman wearing a very small hat (to flop) into the chair opposite hers. 2. He hardly (to reach) the door of his office when he (to encounter) two young men. 3. He emerged from the theatre with the first of the crowd; but he scarcely (to take) his position on the edge of the sidewalk when the girls (to appear). 4. He barely (to disappear) when Dennis (to come) sliding down the stairs. 5. No sooner, however, they (to establish) themselves in their new house than he (to perceive) to his dismay a return of her absorbed and brooding manner. 6. He barely (to arrive) in' Rome when he (to get) a telegram from home that his father was seriously ill. 7. No sooner the curtain (to fall) than he (to rise) to go". 8. Hardly he (to ask) his questions when she (to answer) them. 9. He scarcely (to take) his coat off when he (to begin) to read the letter. 10. The band barely (to begin) to play when he (to go) away. 11. The rain nearly (to stop) when he (to reach) his hotel. 12. They barely (to come) out of the house when a sudden shouting (to arise).


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Ex. 5 Use the required past forms in the following complex sentences with after-clauses | Ex. 9 Use the required present or past forms in the following sentences containing the adverbs scarcely, hardly, nearly and barely

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