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Ex. 11 Use the required past forms in the following sentences which pattern actions related to the same past moment

1. Grant just (to change) into some dry things and (to wait) for dinner to be announced when there was a knock at the door. 2. Then we realized that Rich;.ard (to come) in through the garden and (to stand) in the room listening. 3. Outside on the square it (too stop) raining and the moon (to try) to get through the clouds. 4. Saturday lunch was over. Mary still (to sit) at the table smoking. Kate and John (to retire) to the sofa and (to talk) in low voices. Paula and the twins (to go) out on to the lawn where the twins now (to play). Barbara (to sit) on the window-seat reading "Country Life". 5. When Roger returned into the room, the girl (to stop) crying but (to shiver) from head to foot. 6. Then she saw her father. He (to lay) his fishing rod and (to take) something from his pocket. 7. Bernard (to take) off his hat and (to carry) it in his hand. 8. When the telephone rang Wolfe (to finish) his egg and (to drink) coffee. 9. It was dark by the time I reached London. The black-out (to begin) and it (to rain) heavily. 10. Pierce (to tow) the boat quite fast now. The dog, who (to swim) out after him, (to accompany) the boat.


Ex. 12 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past perfect simple

1 A: I'm sorry we're late. We 1………….. (miss) the train. B: How2............................ (that/happen)? A: Well, I 3............................ (get) the times wrong and when we 4............................ (arrive) at the station, the train s............................ (just leave). 2 A: 6............................ (you/have) a good meal at Hilary's? B: Well no, it7............................ (be) very embarrassing. When we 8............................ (arrive), we9............................ (know) immediately that she 10............................ (forget) about the whole thing. A: So what n............................ (she/do)? B: Well, she n............................ (pretend) that she 13............................ (not forget) and14............................ (say) that the meal 15............................ (not be) ready because she 16............................ (get) home from work very late.

A: Oh no, how awful! 3 It "............................ (be) a beautiful morning. It 18............................ (rain) in the night and so the ground "............................ (be) fresh and clean and it 20............................ (smell) wonderful. None of the Taylor family 21............................ (be) awake though. They 22............................ (all go) to bed very late the night before. Their Australian cousin 23............................ (arrive) unexpectedly that evening and they 24............................ (sit up) talking most of the night. Although it25............................ (be) now 8 o'clock in the morning, they 26............................ (only be) in bed for about two hours.


Переглядів: 963

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 10 Use Past Perfect or the Past Indefinite in the following sentences | Main uses

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