Новини освіти і науки:
МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Ex. 25 Start with some example sentences

I've lived in London for five years. I lived in London foe five years. I've chopped the onions... I've been chopping onions...

Contrast the difference, explain the two situations, then write a number of similar sentences about yourself.


Ex. 26 Some more examples of the present perfect and the present perfect continuous

Part A

A: I haven't seen your brother lately. Has he gone away? B: Yes, he's/he has been sent to America. A: When did he go? B: He went last month. A: Have you had any letters from him?

B: I haven't, but his wife has been hearing from him regularly. A: Does she intend to go out and join him? B: They've been thinking about it but haven't quite decided yet. Unfortunately they've had a lot of expense lately and perhaps haven 7 got the money for her fare.

TOM: What have you done with my knife? (Where have you put it?)

ANN: I put it back in your drawer.

TOM (taking it out): But what have you been doing with it? The blade's all twisted1. Have you been using it to open tins?

A: Do you see those people on that little sandy island? They've been waving handkerchiefs for the last half hour. I wonder why.

B: They need help. The tide's coming in and very soon that little island will be under water. Have you been sitting here calmly and doing nothing to help them?

A: I've never been here before. I didn't know about the tides.


Part B
Jane Alan
Have you read any good books recently? Well, yes I have, as a matter of fact.
Oh, well, which books have you read? I've read 'Wonderful Life' and 'The Language Instinct'.
Really? And what did you think of them? They were very good. I'd recommend them.
Have you been to the cinema recently? Well, yes I have, as a matter of fact.
Oh, what film did you go to see? I went to see Seven.
Really? What did you think of it? I thought it was OK.

Переглядів: 381

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 24 Revision: use one of the present or past forms in the following sentences | Ex. 27 In your notebook, rewrite the following passage, making all the necessary tense changes

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