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Ex. 33 Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb given

1. John always claims that he (be) innocent, but for many years no one (believe) him.2. Hello, Kate, it's Peter here. What (you do)? - Nothing much. I (revise) but I had to stop because my computer (not work).3. Father heard the results of the election when he (drive) to work, so he (phone) me when he (get) there and (congratu­late) me.4. I'd like to work abroad eventually. But I (want) some full-time experience first. I (do) a Nursery Teacher's course this year. We (finish) next week, in fact. And I (get) a Child Care certificate soon.- You (sound) just the sort of person we (look) for. When (you be) able to start?- As soon as I (finish) my Nursery Teacher's course.5. I don't want to spend a lot of money today because I (save) as much as I can until I (go) on holiday.6. You (watch) this stupid film since the lunch time. Let's switch over to the other channel.7. Fanny's really excited about going to England. She (not be) there before though she (learn) English for several years.8. My sister (be) interested in medicine since she (be) a child.9. Oh, dear. What can we do? I'm sure something dreadful (happen); we (wait) over an hour and he (not phone) yet.10. We (post) the parcel three weeks ago. If you still (not re­ceive) it, please inform us immediately.11. I (work) in this company for a month already. Everyone (be) very friendly. I (expect) to have quite a lot of problems, but I (not have) any really. Not here at work, anyway. And I (make) a lot of new friends. Unfortunately, the journey to work (be) too long. It (take) me one hour to get here every day.12. Twenty years ago few people (realize) that computers (be­come) part of our daily lives. This short period of time (see) enormous changes in business, education and public ad­ministration. Many people may now be wondering whether the spread of computers (bring) us as many problems as it (solve).13. I (be) pleased to see my old university friends at the confe­rence last week as we (not see) each other since we (finish) our course.14. We had to wait for hours at the airport because the bad weather (delay) all the flights.15. Oh, dear. I hope you (feel) better now. I (make) some tea when the news (finish). ... I (bring) you a cup? - No, don't bother. Thanks. 16. I think we must keep in touch, (you remember) to send me your address when you (set) to the States?17. We (not get) enough money to pay for the advertising we need, (you be) in touch with the bank yet? Yes. I (see) the manager next Monday.18. In Britain schools (change) a lot in recent years. Standards (improve) and there (be) a wide choice of schools for get­ting education. Grammar schools still (exist) in the country. Pupils (pass) an exam called the Eleven Plus to go to a Grammar School where they (receive) a good, formal aca­demic education. The name "grammar" (come) from me­dieval system of teaching Latin grammar as the basis for education. There (be) 200 Grammar Schools today in the country.19. Secondary modern schools (appear) in 1944 for pupils who (fail) eleven plus examination.20. Comprehensive schools (about 94% of all schools) (be) in­troduced in 1965. These schools (provide) an equal secon­dary education for all people regardless of their abilities.21. - How are you getting on, Bob? You (look) so sad.- Well, I (start) having bad headaches a couple of weeks ago and they (get) worse. I ( not, sleep) properly, I'm tired all the time, and the worst thing is my hair (go) grey and I'm only 32!- Oh, you (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day for ten years al­ready. You (work) at least ten hours a day since last year. And how you (relax)?! You always (sit) in front the TV with a pizza and a few beers. You never (do) any exercises but you (lose) a lot of weight at the moment and you (not, know) why. I (think) you (suffer) from stress. You must go to the doctor. He (examine) you and (give) some advice. I (hope) everything (be) all right, if you (eat) a more varied diet and (do) some exercises regularly. But first of all (not, forget) to go to the doctor.22. I asked my aunt if she (be able) to get tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre when we (arrive) in Moscow. She promised that she (try) to help us though it (be) rather difficult to do it. 23. I (send) the invitation already. I think I (receive) the reply as soon as the (get) it.24. This week the police (arrest) a couple in Switzerland, where they (try) to sell chocolate secretes. The first person who (bring) chocolate to Europe (be) Cortes, who (be) an explorer.25. Henry Nestle, who (be) Swiss, (develop) the process of making milk chocolate. Since that time chocolate (be) popular among children and grown-ups.26. Hijackers still (hold) twenty passengers in a plane at Man­chester airport. The hostages (sit) in the plane now without food or water for two days already.27. Mrs Green (wait) for the doctor for half an hour. When he (examine) her son, he said that the child (must stay) in bed till he (get) better.28. "While I (stay) with the English family I (improve) my English greatly", my friend said.29. She (do) her sopping when he first (meet) her. Six months later they (get) married and since that time (live) together. They are the happiest family I ever (meet). 30. We (go) to Italy next week. We (take) the plane. Usually we (have) two weeks' holiday but this year we (have) four. We (stay) at a friend's house in Verses. Usually he (work) in Mi­lan but at the moment he (spend) the summer in New York.


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<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 32 Complete the sentences applying the sequence of tenses rule | Ex. 34 Complete the news report. Put each verb into the correct form

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