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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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UNIT I Key to Ex. 7

1. month 2. groupmatc
6. summer 7. parents 8. native
3. school 4. car
9. mathematics





1. Sandwich

Once there lived a man in England. His name was Sandwich and he was very rich. He liked to play cards. He could play cards very well and was the best player of his time. Often he played all day and night One day he played for 24 hours without stopping He did not leave the card table even to eat. Servants had to bring food to him. They brought him some meat and bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way he was able to continue playing. From the name of this man comes the word sandwich today.

Now a lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are lots of sandwich shops in London. There you can buy all sorts of sandwiches. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat- and-salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Lots of people in the world like sandwiches, but some don't.

2. To Leave School or Not to Leave

If a student finishes secondary school he or she may get a better job.

But if a student does well he or she can go to university. Most parents would like their children to stay on at school, but about three quarters of all people leave school at fifteen or sixteen.

William Parker lives in Birmingham which is a large industrial city in Great Britain. When he was fifteen years old he left school. He did badly at school and thought he would be much happier working. He got a job with a large engineering firm. As he did not have any qualification he got little money though his work was difficult. After some time William decided to

Attend classes at a technical college. Once a week he trains to be a good electrician. The course of studies lasts five years. When William finishes it, he will have a good job.

Margaret Weber lives in London. She did not specially like school. When she was sixteen she took her school certificate exams, but she failed in almost every subject. She had learned to type at school, so she decided to leave school and get a job in an office. There are many factories, shops and businesses in London which need typists. Margaret got a job in a shop without difficulty. But she does not like her work; it is not interesting and pays little money. Now Margaret attends a special evening school where she is trained to be a good secretary. William's and Margaret's training is "vocational", that is,practical for a specific job.

UNIT 2 Key to Ex. 7 6. ton 7. inventor 8. arithmetic 9. lecture
1. necessary 2. physics 3. side 4. education 5. knowledge



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