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Вправа № 6

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venue – місце проведення to arrange – організувати appropriate – відповідний to process – обробляти particularly – особливо, зокрема increasingly – більше і більше to overestimate – переоцінити variety – різноманітність fee – гонорар, плата on behalf of – від імені to justify - виправдати

1.The planning of meetings today can be a highly complex task. The destination and the venue must be chosen, the attendees’ travel and, if necessary, visa requirements must be taken care of and their accommodation arranged, plus topics and speakers for the event must be selected. Some conferences, such as those of associations, must be marketed to prospective attendees and registration payments processed. At the actual event, someone must organize appropriate security measures, particularly if VIP attendees or speakers are involved, and someone must liaise with and manage the providers of audio-visual and catering services.These tasks – and many more – are the responsibility of the meeting planner.

2. In recent years, the role of the meeting planner has increasingly been recognized as a profession in its own right and its importance in the meetings industry cannot be overestimated. Many now bear the job title ‘professional conference organizer’ or PCO, although a range of other titles exist, such as events planner, conference coordinator and meetings executive.

3.Many meeting planners are employed by a single organization – usually an association or a company – organizing, on a full-time basis, all of the meetings, seminars and conferences that their organization needs.

4. Others, often called independent meeting planners, are self-employed, offering their services to a variety of associations and companies on a consultancy basis, charging a fee for the meetings that they organize on behalf of their clients. This arrangement can be particularly beneficial to smaller organizations that do not hold sufficient events on a year-to-year basis to justify having such a person on their payroll as a full-time, permanent member of staff.

5. What we have termed the ‘meetings industry’, therefore, comprises those men and women who earn their living from the provision of facilities and services for the successful running of meetings large and small. Managing and marketing venues, supplying catering, interpreting and audio-visual services for meetings and taking responsibility for the coordination and planning of the actual meetings event – these are the principal functions of those who make successful events possible.

6. It is worthy of note, however, that, while some individuals and companies operate entirely and solely within the meetings industry, for many others, this sector of business tourism represents only a part of their activities. For example, many venues, in addition to providing space for meetings, also hire out their facilities for events such as concerts, weddings and graduation ceremonies.

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