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Пояснення до тексту:

incentive travel – заохочувальна подорож to spread – поширювати (ся) contribution – внесок profitability – прибутковість exceptional – винятковий lucrative – вигідний, прибутковий insurance policies – страхові поліси goods – товари to determine – визначати enticing – принадний duration – тривалість utmost – крайній, величезний exaggeration – перебільшення


1. Incentive travel is the name given to the travel, usually in groups, of employees who have been awarded a luxury trip, entirely paid for by their company, as a prize for high achievement at work. The practice of using incentive travel to motivate employees to work harder was originally started by American companies in the 1950s and employers in the USA are still the major generators of this sector of business tourism. Since then, however, the use of incentive travel has spread throughout the industrialized world and is now widely recognized as being one of the most effective management tools for encouraging employees to be more productive and make a greater contribution to their employers’ profitability.

2. The Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE), defines incentive travel as ‘a global management tool that uses an exceptional travel experience to motivate and/or recognize participants for increased levels of performance in support of organizational goals.’ Most incentive trips are won by individuals (or teams) who have sold, within a given period, the most units of whatever it is their companies make, whether this is tractors, insurance policies, pharmaceutical products or any other type of manufactured goods or services. For this reason, most of those who travel on incentive trips are members of their companies’salesforces.

3. A company using incentive travel as a reward will announce a competition to their salesforce, informing them that their individual or team sales figures during a particular period (often 12 months) will be recorded for the purpose of determining who sold the most during that time. The prize for being one of the most successful salespeople during that period is the incentive trip, typically of three to five days’ duration, which will be described in detail and in the most enticing terms, in order to encourage the sales staff to do their utmost in order to win the trip.

4.It would be no exaggeration to say that incentive travel is one of the most luxurious, highest-spending and therefore lucrative forms of tourism that exists. In order to motivate employees to work harder to achieve greater results in the workplace, the travel prize they are competing for must be an extremely attractive one. This is particularly the case when those competing to win the prize are managers who travel often, on business and for leisure, and are therefore not easily impressed by yet another flight and another hotel in a foreign destination. Exotic destinations, luxury accommodation and a dazzling variety of exciting and exclusive activities are classic features of incentive travel.


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