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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Before doing the following exercises revise grammar material – N.A. Bonk, Unit 6: p. 146.

1. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets and it or there.

e.g. There’s a lot of snow in December.

(snows a lot) It snows a lot in December.

1. It’s quite cloudy this morning.

(quite a lot of clouds) ……………

2. There’s a lot of rain in April.

(rains a lot) …………….

3. It’s foggy on the motorway this morning.

(fog on the motorway) ……………

4. It’s very windy on the west coast.

(a lot of wind) …………….


2. Write about the weather in the following pictures. Use It’s.

1. It’s raining. 2. …………… . 3. …………… . 4. …………… . 5. …………… . 6. …………… . 3. Put in it or there. 1. … rains a lot in winter. 2. … was a strong wind yesterday. 3. … was a nice day yesterday. 4. We can’t go skiing. … isn’t any snow. 5. …’s hot in this room. Open a window. 6. I was afraid because … was very dark. 7. … was a storm last night. Did you hear it? 8. …’s a long way from here to the nearest shop. 4. Fill each space in the paragraph below with it or there. ….1…. has always been a disadvantage for visitors to Britain that the weather is very changeable and that ….2…. is always raining, even in summer. ….3…. are countless jokes about British weather and no doubt ….4…. is a good reason for their popularity. ….5…. is no smoke without fire. …..6…. doesn’t however seem to be the case any more that Britain does not have a summer. In fact, ….7…. seems to be less and less rainfall nowadays, which is a worldwide phenomenon. What has happened is that ….8…. has been a rise in the temperature of the planet as a whole. ….9…. is getting hotter every year to such an extent that ….10…. is no longer necessary to go abroad if you want to get a sun-tan. ….11…. will be much quicker and cheaper to go to Brighton or Bournemouth. ….12….. is thought that global warming is having both positive and negative effects in different parts of the world. ….13…. have been several conferences to find a solution to the problem but ….14…. has become obvious that ….15…. is no simple answer to the problem. 5. Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1. Are their/there any eggs in the fridge? 2. It’s/its cold this morning. 3. Peter says they’re/there arriving at about 5.00. 4. I like this bike but its/it’s wheels are too small. 5. Is there/they’re anybody there/their? 6. It’s/it’s a pity we missed the opening of the film. 7. Patrick and Bridget have sold their/they’re house. 8. What a lovely dog! What’s it’s/its name? *6. Fill each space in these sentences with it or there and an appropriate verb. e.g. It takes me one hour to get home. 1. ………. very expensive to buy a new car. 2. ………. difficult trying to reach her by phone so I sent a fax. 3. He put his coat on because ………. getting cold. 4. ……….. to be some mistake – I’ve never met you before in my life. 5. ……….. several flights outside the stadium but no one was hurt. 6. ………. been some time since I wrote to you, as I’ve been very busy. 7. ………. a pity you didn’t come to the party; we had a lovely time. 8. ………. life after death? I wonder. 9. ………. be some kind of explanation for such strange behavior. 10. ………. no special way of doing it.   CLAUSES OF TIME AND CONDITION Before doing the following exercises revise grammar material – N.A. Bonk, Unit 7: p. 155-156.
1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. I'll call you as soon as I ... tickets for the train. a) to buy b) buy c) shall buy d) bought 2. If the day ... hot, we shall go to the beach. a) shall be b) is c) was d) will be 3. If he ... home before Friday, he will help us to do the translation. a) returns b) will return c) return d) returned 4. Please, drive us to the airport if you ... time tomorrow morning. a) have b) will have c) shall have d) has 5. If you ... to see all these places, you must stay for a week. a) shall want b) want c) to want d) will want 6. As soon as you ... back from your trip, call on me. a) came b) shall come c) come d) will come 7. Speak to him about it when you ... him. a) see b) will see c) seen d) sees 8. They will go for a walk before they ... to bed. a) goes b) will go c) go d) went 9. Will you wait until he ... back? a) come b) will come c) comes d) to come 10. Come to see me before you ... for the south. a) left b) will leave c) leave d) leaves


2. Complete the sentences with the Simple Present or Future Simple.

hear leave make open √ write find give help start travel

e.g. Wait here until Jane opens the door.

1. Call me as soon as you ……… about the exam.

2. Can you hold the baby while I ………. coffee?

3. What’s John going to do when he ………. school?

4. Give my love to Sue when you ………. to her.

5. I ………. you my address before I say goodbye.

6. Ann’s going to live here until she ……….. a job.

7. We’re going to look after Sue’s flat while she ………. round America.

8. I ………. you after I get back from work.

9. We’re early – we’ve got half an hour before the lesson ………. .


3. Complete the sentences by putting when, if, before, after, as soon as or until into the gaps. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

e.g. I’ll stay in this job until I find a better one.


1. I’m going to keep working ………. I finish this.

2. Remember to buy some stamps ………. you’re in the post office.

3. ………. I speak to him on the phone tonight, I’ll ask him.

4. I’ll keep looking for it ………. I find it.

5. I’ll wait for them ………. it gets dark, and then I’ll leave.

6. Don’t forget to lock the door ………. you go out.

7. We’ll wait ………. it stops raining, and then we’ll go out.

8. ………. you see John, give him my regards.

9. Put in your application ………. the closing date arrives.

10. You shouldn’t wait. You should reply ………. you receive the invitation.

11. Book a table ………. you go to the restaurant. It’s often full.


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Read the article about bullying and underline the correct words. | Make up one sentence from the two.

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