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Office hours: Read the text and underline the words that you did not understand.

– What should young people eat if they want to be fit and healthy

The most important thing is balance and variety. When you’re training, your body needs lots of different things so you must eat different kinds of food. You should eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables because they give you lots of vitamins, especially Vitamin C which is important.
You should also eat enough food with carbohydrates, because when you’re training you need a lot of energy. You should eat bread, potatoes and pasta. All these things give you carbohydrates. But you mustn’t eat too many sweets or chocolates because you’ll put on weight and they’re bad for your teeth.
Finally, protein is important when you’re training. For protein you must eat meat and vegetables, like beans. You should also eat plenty of eggs and milk. Eggs and milk also give you calcium which is important for your bones.
One other thing – you must eat regularly every day. You mustn’t eat your meals at different times, for example, or eat a lot one day and a little the next.
You should also have a good breakfast and you shouldn’t eat too much before training, it’s very bad for you. When you’re training, you must never smoke cigarettes!

Main Literature:

1. “New English File” by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham- Koenig, Paul Seligson. Pre-Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. “Inside out” by Sue Kay and Vaugham Jones. Pre-Intermediate. Macmillan. Publishers Limited 2011.


Additional Literature:

R. Murphy “English Grammar in use” Cambridge University Press. 2008


HAND-OUT Discipline: English as a foreign language Pre-intermediate Lexical theme: Healthy diet. Credits: 2 Grammatical theme: Quantifiers Practical Lesson 21 Teacher Sariyeva Aida Kamzaevna

WARMING UP. Read and translate the proverbs and give the similar ones in Kazakh or Russian. “ Good health is above wealth”, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.


GRAMMAR. Quantifiers: too, too much, too many, a little, a few, enough.

Use too, too much, too many to say “more than is good” I’m stressed. I havetoo muchwork. My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes and sweets. I don’t want to go out. I’m too tired. Use enough before a noun to mean “all that is necessary” Use enough after an adjective. Do you eatenoughvegetables I don’t drinkenoughwater. This dress isn’t bigenough. Use a little/very little and a few/very few to talk about small quantities. Use a little/very little with uncountable nouns and a few/very few with countable nouns. A: Do you take sugar B: Yes, justa little. A: Do you want some chips B: Yes, just a few. I eat a little meat. I drink very little coffee. Can you buy a fewbananas He has very few friends.

Переглядів: 372

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