Believe In Yourself And in your dream though impossible things may seem, Someday, somehow you'll get through
to the goal you have in view. Mountains fall and seas divide before the one who in his stride Takes a hard road day by day sweeping obstacles away. Believe in yourself and in your plan. Say not - I cannot but, I can. The prizes of life we fail to win,Because we doubt the power within.
Speak on the given topic.
Think about your life ten years ago and compare with nowadays.
Discuss the questions with a partner.
a. Compare your lives then and now.
b. How similar were your lives ten years ago?
c. What job did you use to want to do when you were a child?
Write six sentences – five true and one false – describing ways in which your life was different then. Choose from the topics below or use your own ideas.
car clothes favourite actors friends going out hair styles
hobbies holidays music school sport TV programmes
Look at how James has changed. Write five sentences about how he was THEN.