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GRAMMAR Reported speech



• Use reported speech to say what another person said. I love you He said (that) he loved her. • that is optional after say and tell. • Pronouns also change in reported speech, for example I changes to he / she, etc. I'm coming She told me that she was coming. You can use said or told in reported speech but they are used differently. - You can't use said with an object or pronoun NOT He said her he loved her - You must use told with an object, He told her that he loved her NOT he told that...   In reported questions: - the tenses change in exactly the same way as in sentences, e.g.: present to past, etc. - we don't use do / did. What do you want? He asked me what I wanted. NOT He asked me what did I want. -If the question begins with do, can, etc. add if. Do you like the music? He asked her if she liked the music. Can you sing? She asked him if he could sing.   -the word order is subject + verb. Are you a student? He asked her if she was a student. Have you seen the film? She asked him if he had seen the film.


Direct speech Reported speech
‘I love you.' He said (that) he loved her.
I want to see you again.' He told her (that) he wanted to see her again.  
• Other tenses change like this:
Direct speech Reported speech
I can help you.' He said (that) he could help me.
‘I'll phone you.' He told me (that) he would phone me.
'Imet a girl.' He told me (that) he had met a girl.
‘I've broken my leg.' He said (that) he had broken his leg.


Direct speech Reported speech
Do you want to dance?' Where do you live?' He asked her if she wanted) to dance. He asked her where she lived.





1 Write the sentences in reported speech.

He said, “I love you” He told her that he loved her.

a) “I’m tired”. She said that ________________.

b) “I don’t like rock music”. He told her he _______________.

c)“I’ll book a table”. He said ____________________.

d)“I’ve bought a new car”. Paul told us that ______________.

e)“I live in the city centre”. She said that she _______________.


2 Make reported questions.

Do you want to dance? He asked her if she wanted to dance.

a) “Do you like football?” Mike asked me if I _____________.

b) ‘What music do you like?’ I asked her what music __________.

c) ‘Are you tired?’ She asked me ______________.

d) ‘Have you been to New York?’ I asked them ______________.

e) ‘Where did you live before?’ He asked me ____________.


3 Circle or underline the correct words.

a) I said/ told the shop assistant I was very unhappy with my new TV.

b) ‘Where’s the swimming pool?’ she told/asked.

c) She said/told that she would meet me at 7.00 p.m.

d) He told/ asked me if I would go out with him.

e) ‘I’m really sorry,’ said/ told Jill.


LISTENING [3, p. 13]

1Mark the sentences true or false.

a) Paulo said that the architecture is old.

b) Paulo said there is a most famous beach in the world in his home town.

c) Armelle said that his countryside is beautiful, and the air is lovely.

d) Armelle said that there are a lot of young people.

e) Luigi said that his city is special place such a romantic place.



2 Complete the sentences.

a) There are too many high-rise buildings in ……….

b) ………… is great most of time.

c) There aren’t …………………. in the countryside.

d) ……….. Venice is the best place in the world.

e) My city is …………… for all these people.


2 Answer the questions.

a) Why Paulo does feel lucky to be living in his home town?

b) Where does Armelle live?

c) Why does Armelle find her home town dull and boring?

d) What is unusual about Luigi’s home town?

e) Does he like living there?



Переглядів: 454

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Describe pictures connected with Great Britain. | READING. 1 Read and translate the first two paragraphs.

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