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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Time limit - 20 minute

  1. Choose the correct answer. I have ….. the exercise but I haven’t ….. the text yet. a) already doing / reading b) already did / was reading c) already done / read d) already will do / will read 2. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right place. a) a thin woman tall b) a tall thin woman c) woman tall a thin d) a woman thin tall 3. Choose the correct variant: What …..you …..for on the Internet last night? a) had searched b) was searching c) searched d) were searching 4. Choose the correct variant. ….. organizations do you know that provide aid after disasters? a) What kind b) Whose c) Why d) What 5. Choose the correct variant. If I knew his address a) I will wrote to him b) I wrote to him c) I will be written to him d) I would write to him 6. Choose the correct variant: She is so conscientious. a) She behaves like a child. b) She is so immature. c) She always does her best in everything. d) She is lazy. 7. Change the following into indirect speech: He said, “My mother has been operated on”. a) He said that his mother has been operated on. b) He said if his mother had be operated on. c) He said then his mother had being operated on. d) He said that his mother had been operated on. 8. Choose the correct variant: I …..in a mansion in Beverly Hills this time next year. a) is going to live b) ’ll lived c) ’ll have live d) ’ll be living 9. Choose the correct variant. The exhibition … to the audience tomorrow morning. a) open b) will be opened c) will open d) is opened 10. Choose the correct variant. ….. his lack of experience, he became a successful businessman. a) even though b) in order to c) in spite of d) although 11. Choose the correct variant. What is the name of the man….? a) you borrowed his car b) which car you borrowed c) whose car you borrowed d) his car you borrowed 12. Choose the right variant. I felt someone… me on the shoulder. a) to touch b) touched c) touch d) to be touch 13. Choose the correct variant. I hate that song, and my sister hates it ….. . a) or b) too c) either d) neither 14. Choose the correct variant. The end of this story is ….. long ….. you can't finish it. a) such …such b) so…so c) so… that d) as…as 15. Choose the correct variant. Until I ….. a doctor I ….. that I ….. my leg. a) saw/ doesn't realize/ had broken b) had seen/ didn't realize/ broke c) saw/ didn't realize/ had broken d) seen/ didn't realize/ had broken 16. Choose the correct variant. I think that we ….. to Italy next summer. a) will be going b) will have gone c) will go d) will have been going 17. Choose the correct variant: She lived in …. house. a) kind-hearted b) open-minded c) an old-fashioned d) short-sighted 18. Choose the correct variant: The drill sergeant … the orders. a) barked off b) barked out c) barked up d) barked down 19. Choose the right meaning of the following idiom “have a heart of gold” a) very large b) behave like a child c) get angry very easily d) very kind 20. Choose the right word to complete the proverbs “A ….. in the hand is worth two in the bush” a) bag b) bird c) friend d) baby    

Переглядів: 309

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THEORETICAL BLOCK | Time keeping of theoretical knowledge assessment

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