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1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Upper-Intermediate Students Book. Oxford 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Upper-Intermediate Workbook. Oxford 2010.


3. Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska. New Opportunities Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book. 2008.

4. www.breakingnewsenglish.com


Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits: 2
Upper-intermediatelevel Practical lesson
Lexical theme: Masterpiece of engineering art.  
Grammatical theme: Adverbs and adverbial phrases.  
Teacher: assistant professor Karybayeva A.S.

Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and match the following masterpieces of engineering art with the names:

1. Empire State building______. 2. Dynamic tower______.
3. Petronas Twin Tower______. 4.Burj Khalifa_______.




Exercise 2 Comment on the following situations:

1. What do you feel when you look at an outstanding painting?

2. What is the best way to make you take an interest?

3. What feelings and emotions do you usually have visiting exhibitions?

4. What famous buildings are in Kazakhstan?

5. What information can you give about the buildings below?


Exercise 3 Discuss on the given themes:

1. What are the ways and means by which the artist’s painting is revealed and estimated?

2. The best way to get understanding and enjoyment of art is to view many paintings.

3. Great works of art seem to look different every time one stands before them.


Exercise 4 Read and make up your own questions about the text “Low buildings”[5].


With low buildings the variety of possible shapes is much greater than with taller buildings. In addition to the familiar box shapes, which is also used in very tall buildings, low buildings may use cathedral-like forms, vault, or domes. A simple single-story structure might consist of a reinforced-concrete slab laid directly on the ground , exterior manor walls supported by the slab (or by a spread footing cast continuously around the perimeter of the building ), and a roof. For low building, the use of interior columns between masonry load-bearing walls is still the most common construction method. Spaced columns supported by the slab or by individual spread footing may be used, however; in that case the exterior walls can be supported by or hung between the columns. If the roof span is short, abutting planking made of wood, steel, concrete, or other material can be used to form the roof structure. Each structural material has a particular weight-to-strength ratio, cost and durability. As a general rule, the greater the roof span, the more complicated the structure supporting the roof becomes and the narrower the range of suitable materials. Depending on the length of the span, the roof may have one-way framing beams or two- way framing (beams supported on larger girders spanning the largest dimension). Trusses can be substituted for either method. Trusses, which can be less than 30 cm (12 in) or more than 9 m (30ft) deep, are formed by assembling tension and compression members in various triangular patterns.

They are usually made of timber or steel, but reinforced concrete may be used. The structure of a simple one-story building may also consist of the wall and roof framing combined by being either fastened together or shaped in one piece . The possible structural shapes are almost infinite and include the three sides of a rectangle fastened together into a unit called a bent, the familiar church form of vertical sides and sloping roof, the parabola and the semicircle or dome. The supporting structure and exterior walls, floor, and roof may also be made as a unified whole, much like a rectangular pipe with closed or open ends. These may be cast in reinforced plastic.



Exercise 5 Translate the text without dictionary.


Exercise 6 Prepare a good reading of the poem “The Builders of the City” by Francis Duggan


You never will find their names on a memorial wall
And any memories of them historians never do recall
The builders of the City who lay with the unsung
Many of them came from distant shores and spoke in a foreign tongue
They more than earned every penny that they were ever paid
The builders of the City yet little of their achievements made
Devoted to the family and devoted to the wife
They worked hard so their children could enjoy a better life,
The builders of the City so much to them we owe
Though nothing written about them and of them little we do know
They built the housing estates, City buildings and City Mall
Though nothing of their life achievements is ever made at all
They lay the rail tracks to the City and made the Roadways through the Countryside
Yet in the builders of the City we never do take pride.


Exercise 7 Listen and fill in the spaces “New Century Global Center” [6, Part III, p.155]



China is (1) ________________________ collection of the biggest things in the world. The latest addition is the world's largest building. It is called the New Century Global Center (2) ________________________ in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in China's southwest. It is 500 meters long, 400 meters (3) ________________________. The area inside covers an amazing 1.76 million square meters. The (4) ________________________ Sydney Opera Houses could fit inside. It is almost three times the size of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. It took thousands (5) _________________________ to build the enormous structure. The center is an important part of plans to make Chengdu a 21st-century city. It (6) ________________________, "Chengdu – Can Do".

The inside of the center is almost (7) ________________________. There are around 400,000 square meters of shopping space, a 15-screen IMAX movie theater complex and (8) ________________________ to hold international competitions. There are also offices, hotels, a replica Mediterranean village and a water park. (9) ________________________ will attract business and tourists from across China and the world. It is all (10) ________________________ put Chengdu on the global map. Around 14 million people currently live in the city, but that is set to increase. The (11) ________________________ investment and is one of China's most important industrial regions. The area is (12) ________________________ largest giant panda nature reserve.


Exercise 8 Answer the questions according to the text

1. What is China building a collection of?

2. How many times bigger than the Pentagon is it?

3. How much shopping space is inside the building?

4. What is big enough for international competitions?

5. What is there a copy of inside the building?

Exercise 9 Retell the text.


Adverb Phrases as Adverbials [1. p 134]

The first grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of adverbial is the adverb phrase. Adverb phrases are defined as phrases that are formed by an adverb plus any modifiers. For example, the following italicized adverb phrases function as adverbials: - The children are waiting patiently for their snack. - Presently the judges will announce the winner. - Wash your hands immediately. - Stubbornly, the little girl refused to eat her vegetables at dinner.

Put the adverbs in brackets in the normal position in these sentences:

1. We need to do something. (obviously, quickly)

2. Ben is at his friend’s house.(often, in the evening)

3. He drives fast.(always, extremely)

4. She danced at ballet. (beautifully, last night)

5. She wasn’t injured when she fell.(luckily, seriously)


Choose the best adverb or adverbial phrase from the table below to go with the verbs and complete the sentences.

approvingly sharply prematurely noticeably menacingly


1. People who over-expose themselves to strong sunlight are known to show signs of ageing _________.

2. Three men hovering _________ near the bank in a mini-van alerted the police to the planned robbery.

3. I wasn't sure if Maggie agreed with what I was saying but then she began nodding head _________, so I continued with what I was saying.

4. The government has raised the price of cigarettes _________ in an attempt to reduce smoking.

5. The political views of the British Labour Party _________ shifted in the first part of the 1990s.


Exercise 10 Write a letter to the developer of the Burj Dubai tower. Ask them three questions about the new record. Give them three suggestions about how to make the building the best building in the world to live in.

Exercise 11 Choose adverb stance markers from the box to complete the student’s narrative. More than one answer is possible. Write similar story and try to use adverb stance markers.


amazingly fortunately happily honestly luckily naturally obviously sadly shockingly surprisingly thankfully unfortunately


I was alone and injured, and it was getting dark fast. (1)____________, my first thought was to call someone for help. Then I remembered I hadn’t brought me cell phone! I called out, ‘Help! Help!’, but I couldn’t hear anyone or anything. (2)_______________, I didn’t panic; somehow, I stayed calm and I felt confident that I would be OK.

(3)__________, about ten minutes later, I heard a quick, loud footsteps running toward me. My heart was pounding. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, there was a large dog standing in front of me. He started to bark. Then I heard his owner call his name, “Jackson!’ (4)__________, instead of running away, Jackson just stayed with me and kept barking until his owner followed the noise straight to us.

(5)____________, Jackson’s owner, Stacey, did have a cell phone and was able to call for help. We’re still friends today, and often go hiking on Mount Morrison together.


Exercise 12 Write an essay about the New Century Global Center. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against it.



1. Choose the right variant. We’re going to be ……. late

a) unfortunately

b) sadly

c) just

d) luckily

2. Choose the right variant. …the ambulance arrived.

a) immediately

b) often

c) obviously

d) badly

3.Choose the right variant. She always eats …

a) accidently

b) rarely

c) unfortunately

d) clever

4. Choose the right variant. We… had taken an umbrella.

a) healthily

b) luckily

c) apparently

d) nearly


Переглядів: 401

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Hell and High Water | Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

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