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1.CliveOxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Upper-Intermediate Students Book.Oxford, 2010.

2.CliveOxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Upper-Intermediate Workbook.Oxford, 2010.


4.Audio Disc of “New English File” Upper-intermediate level.



HAND OUT № 109 Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits: 2 Upper intermediatelevel Practical lesson Lexical theme: Science in the 21st century Grammatical theme: Compound nouns   Teacher: assistant professor Mangazina Zh. R.

Exercise 1. Listen and fill the gaps [Part III p. 161], [4].

Russian scientists _____________________ plant from cell tissue that had been frozen for 30,000 years. The research team from Russia’s Institute of Cell Biophysics team _____________________ from tissue found in the Siberian permafrost. It was a pioneering project that _____________________ other plant species to be revived. The plant the scientists brought back to life is called the Silene stenophylla. It is the oldest plant ever to be regenerated, _____________________ record for date palm seeds that were stored for 2,000 years in Israel. The plant had been _____________________ squirrels during their hibernation 30 millennia ago, during the age of woolly mammoths. It ______________________.

The scientists believe that the regeneration of the Silene stenophylla plant means the permafrost is _____________________ ancient life forms, many of which could be recreated. Lead researcher Svetlana Yashina said: “We _____________________ to continue permafrost studies in search of an _____________________, that of pre-existing life, which hypothetically has long since vanished from _____________________.” Dr Robin Probert, head of conservation and technology at the UK's Millennium Seed Bank, said: “There is _____________________ resurrect flowering plants that have gone extinct _____________________ we talk about bringing mammoths back to life, the Jurassic Park kind of idea.”

Exercise 2. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. recreated a plant from a. way for …
the Siberian b. essential
3. paves the c. forms
4. stored away by squirrels during d. permafrost
5. It froze and never e. extinct
6. a natural store of ancient life f. cell tissue
7. We consider it g. surface
8. pre-existing h. thawed
9. vanished from the earth's i. their hibernation
10. flowering plants that have gone j. life

Exercise 3.Retell the text

Exercise 4.Answer the questions

What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘frozen’?

Why was the project so pioneering?

What are the benefits of regenerating extinct plant or animal species?

What other species do you think should be regenerated?


Exercise 5. Discuss the followings:

· Could bringing extinct life forms back be bad for the Earth?

· Do you think it’s a good idea to regrow ancient plants?

· Would you like to work on this project?

Exercise 6.Prepare speech on theme: “The most important thing that must be researched is…”

Exercise 7.Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words ‘cell’ and ‘tissue’. Share your findings with your partners.


cell tissue


Exercise 8. Make questions using the words you found.

Ask your partner / group your questions.

Exercise 9. Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

Share your questions with other classmates / groups.

Ask your partner / group your questions.


Compound nouns



Words can be combined to form compound nouns. These are very common, and new combinations are invented almost daily. They normally have two parts. The second part identifies the object or person in question (man, friend, tank, table, room). The first part tells us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is (police, boy, water, dining, bed): What type / what purpose What or who
police man boy friend water tank dining table bed room  

The two parts may be written in a number of ways


1. as one word. Example: policeman, boyfriend   2. as two words joined with a hyphen. Example: dining-table   3. as two separate words. Example: fish tank.  

There are no clear rules about this - so write the common compounds that you know well as one word, and the others as two words.

Переглядів: 299

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
William Blake | Consolidation of grammar

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