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Ex.1. Answer the questions:

1.What is programming? 2. How do we call the practice of writing applications that run on a web server and can be used by many different people? 3. Give the example of some popular web applications. 4. What static technologies are used in web programming? 5. What does the acronym HTML stand for? 6. How will web server operate when you access your page with a browser?

Ex.2.Match the right part with the left:

1. Programming allows you to….. a…… on a web server and can be used by many different people.
2. Your web browser just sees a normal web page with a date but the server … b. ….make new software and have the computer do new things
3. When you access your page with a browser, your web server …… С. …..will generate a different web page when it is loaded on a different date
4. You are able to upload and view pictures, send email and lookup directions using ….. d….. will parse, or read through, your HTML page line by line
5. Web Site Programming is the practice of writing applications that run ……. e……these web applications and they are all made possible through web site programming.  

Lesson 9

I. Read the text: Computer circuit engineering

Electronic circuit engineering is an area of science and technology that deals with problems of the design and study of circuits of electronic devices used in, for example, radio engineering, communications, computer technology, and automation. The principal tasks of electronic circuit engineering are the determination of the structures of electronic circuits that perform certain functions and the calculation of the parameters of the circuit elements.

On the basis of an electronic circuit, the corresponding device (system component) is developed. The device must operate reliably for a specified time under the conditions actually encountered in use.

Electronic devices may be made from discrete electronic and electrical elements—such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors—or from integrated circuits. Electronic circuits consisting of one or more integrated circuits are dealt with in micro-circuit engineering, which is the branch of microelectronics that is concerned with the designing of integrated circuits. In addition to the design and calculation of electronic circuits, microcircuit engineering deals with the problem of developing the structure of integrated circuits on the basis of the electronic circuits. The creation of a new integrated circuit is a complicated problem requiring the joint efforts of micro circuitry specialists, physicists, production engineers, and designers and the use of integrated experimental and theoretical methods, including the computer simulation of the circuit and its operating conditions.

The theoretical basis of electronic circuit engineering (including micro circuitry) is provided by the theory of linear and nonlinear electric circuits, electrodynamics, mathematical programming, automatic theory, and so on. With the development of microelectronics, large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) are being created that constitute functional devices representing entire systems. Accordingly, electronic circuit engineering is in a number of respects merging with systems engineering.

Integrated circuit engineering is the design of semiconductor chips used in electronic equipment. These chips include large numbers of transistors embedded with complex fine wiring to connect them. Their complexity generally increases over time, enabling the development of more advanced electronic equipment at lower cost. Engineers who work on such systems can be involved in a number of different steps of the process and may work in academia, government agencies, or private companies with an interest in chips.

Part of integrated circuit engineering involves physical and chemical processes. Engineers who focus on this area of the field look at how to physically construct chips and ways to improve existing production methods. They consider new materials, environmental controls to limit contamination, and ways to assemble components for efficiency. Some look specifically at ecological concerns and ways to develop chips and related products with a lower environmental cost.

Another aspect of the field involves the actual design of chips. The transistors and attached wiring need to be laid out in logical circuitry, which requires an understanding of electronics and chip design. Integrated circuit engineering can require familiarity with the kinds of systems the equipment is likely to be used in, to ensure that chips are laid out appropriately. Designers may also think about new ways to add transistors to chips in an effort to improve their performance and meet the demand for chips capable of more complex tasks.

Computers, cell phones, and numerous other electronic systems have integrated circuits at their core. These circuits are increasingly small and powerful, requiring integrated circuit engineering to consider nanoscale design needs. The array of transistors and wiring may be too small to see with the naked eye or low magnification, requiring work with microscopes and other advanced tools to lay out and test chips. Developments in the field also force integrated circuit engineers to keep up with ongoing research and professional development opportunities in order to serve their employers most effectively.

Переглядів: 273

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
I. Read the text: Programming and global computer networks | Http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-integrated-circuit-engineering.htm

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