МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах
РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання ЧОМУ ФОНД ОЛЕНИ ПІНЧУК І МОЗ УКРАЇНИ ПРОПАГУЮТЬ "СЕКСУАЛЬНІ УРОКИ" ЕКЗИСТЕНЦІЙНО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ОСНОВИ ПОРУШЕННЯ СТАТЕВОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ ПІДЛІТКІВ Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами ЛІВИЙ МАРКСИЗМ У НОВИХ ПІДРУЧНИКАХ ДЛЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів
Тлумачний словник Авто Автоматизація Архітектура Астрономія Аудит Біологія Будівництво Бухгалтерія Винахідництво Виробництво Військова справа Генетика Географія Геологія Господарство Держава Дім Екологія Економетрика Економіка Електроніка Журналістика та ЗМІ Зв'язок Іноземні мови Інформатика Історія Комп'ютери Креслення Кулінарія Культура Лексикологія Література Логіка Маркетинг Математика Машинобудування Медицина Менеджмент Метали і Зварювання Механіка Мистецтво Музика Населення Освіта Охорона безпеки життя Охорона Праці Педагогіка Політика Право Програмування Промисловість Психологія Радіо Регилия Соціологія Спорт Стандартизація Технології Торгівля Туризм Фізика Фізіологія Філософія Фінанси Хімія Юриспунденкция |
Information Systems1. What do you think about the following ideas: A. What is information system? B. Give examples of any information system that people use in their everyday life.
2. Match the words with their definitions.
3. Now skim through the text and choose the best title to each paragraph.
1. IT development and IS areas of work. 2. The history of IS. 3. The various meanings of IS. 4. The application of IS. 5. The term IS.
4. Read the following text and define its main idea. (1) The term information system (IS) sometimes refers to a system of persons, data records and activities that process the data and information in an organization, and it includes the organization's manual and automated processes. Computer-based information systems are the field of study for information technology. (2) The term "information system" has different meanings. E.g. in computer security, an information system is described by structure: Repositories, which hold data permanently or temporarily, such as buffers, RAM, hard disks, cache, etc. Interfaces, which exchange information with the non-digital world, such as keyboards, speakers, scanners, printers, etc. Channels, which connect repositories, such as buses, cables, wireless links, etc. In geography and cartography, a geographic information system (GIS) is used to integrate, store, edit, analyze, share, and display georeferenced information. There are many applications of GIS, ranging from ecology and geology, to the social sciences. In knowledge representation, an information system consists of three components: human, technology, organization. In sociology information systems are also social systems the behavior of which is heavily influenced by the goals, values and beliefs of individuals and groups, as well as the performance of the technology. In systems theory, an information system is a system, automated or manual, that comprises people, machines, and methods organized to collect, process, transmit, and disseminate data that represent user information. In organizational informatics an information system is a system of communication between people. Information systems are systems involved in the gathering, processing, distribution and use of information and as such support human activity systems. (3) The study of information systems originated as a sub-discipline of computer science, in an attempt to understand and rationalize the management of technology within organizations. It has matured into a major field of management, that is increasingly being emphasized as an important area of research in management studies, and is taught at all major universities and business schools in the world. Information technology is a very important malleable resource available to executives. Many companies have created a position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) that sits on the executive board with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). (4) Information systems deal with the development, use and management of an organization's IT infrastructure. In the post-industrial information age, the focus of companies has shifted from being product-oriented to knowledge-oriented in the sense that market operators today compete in process and innovation rather than in products: the emphasis has shifted from the quality and quantity of production to the production process itself – and the services that accompany the production process. The biggest asset of companies today is their information represented by people, experience, know-how, innovations (patents, copyrights, trade secrets) and for a market operator to be able to compete, he or she must have a strong information infrastructure, at the heart of which lies the information technology infrastructure. Thus the study of information systems focuses on why and how technology can be put into best use to serve the information flow within an organization. (5) Information Systems have a number of different areas of work: 1) Information Systems Strategy; 2) Information Systems Management; 3) Information Systems Development. Each of which branches out into a number of sub disciplines, that overlap with other science and managerial disciplines such as computer science, pure and engineering sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and business management. There is a wide variety of career paths in the information systems discipline. People with specialized technical knowledge and strong communication skills will have the best prospects. People with management skills and an understanding of business practices and principles will have excellent opportunities, as companies are increasingly looking to technology to drive their revenue. The IT department partly governs the information technology development, use, application and influence on a business or corporation. A computer based information system, following a definition of Langefors, is a technologically implemented medium for recording, storing, and disseminating linguistic expressions, as well as for drawing conclusions from such expressions.
5. Define whether the following statements are true or false. Give the correct answer. 1. The term “information system” has only one meaning. 2. In knowledge representation, an information system consists of three components: human, technology, organization. 3. The study of information systems, originated as a sub-discipline of pure science, in an attempt to understand and rationalize the management of technology within organizations. 4. In the post-industrial information age, the focus of companies has shifted from being product-oriented to knowledge-oriented. 5. Information systems are used only in IS Management and have nothing to do with other sciences except the computer science.
6. Discuss these questions with your partner. 1. What is IS in terms of organizational informatics? 2. How did the study of IS originate? 3. What is the biggest asset that companies have today? 4. What does the study of IS focus on? 5. Do IS overlap with other science and managerial disciplines?