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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Focus on Grammar

9. Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous)

1. Pixar (to make) great fully computer-generated films since the late 1980s.

2. Donald P. Greenberg (to author) hundred of articles and served as a teacher to many prominent computer graphic artists.

3. Many famous magazines (to use) creative graphic design for a long time already.

4. Mr. Bright (to use) Adobe Flash while he (to work) on this online project.

5. Recently graphic design (to apply) in the entertainment industry in decoration, scenery etc.

6. We (to watch) a terrible 3D presentation during the lunch break yesterday.

7. His skills in computer design (to improve) since he came to our company.

8. Michael Noll’s computer art (to exhibit) in the Howard Wise Gallery in New York City.

9. Our department (to work) hard the whole two months while the boss (to be) ill.

10. I (to try) to make the annual report for three hours already but I still don’t like it.


10. Put a question to the italicized words.

1. This graphic designer has been using typography and visual arts to produce the final result. (Who...?)

2. D. P. Greenberg founded the Technology Center for Computer Graphics in 1991. (When...?)

3. The term graphic design is referred to a number of artistic and professional disciplines. (What...?)

4. Designers were using various methods to create and combine symbols, images and words of this packaging. (Why...?)

5. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, television and film documentaries use graphic design to inform and entertain. (What...?)


Focus on Speaking


10. Work in groups of three or four.

Discuss with your partners the main advantages and disadvantages of using computer graphics. Provide as many arguments as you can.

Group A. You are designers.

Group B. You are consumers.

Рекомендована література

1. Adelman, C. A Parallel Postsecondary Universe: The Certification System in Information Technology. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 2000

2. Allen, T., and M.S. Morton, Information Technology and the Corporation of the 1990s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994

3. Shelly, Gary, Cashman, Thomas, Vermaat, Misty, and Walker, Tim. Discovering Computers 2000: Concepts for a Connected World. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 1999

4. Jeffrey J. McConnell, Computer Graphics: Theory Into Practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2006

5. M. Slater, A. Steed, Y. Chrysantho, Computer graphics and virtual environments: from realism to real-time. Addison-Wesley, 2002

6. Marcus Wheeler, Boris Unbergaum, Paul Falla, The Concise Oxford Russian Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2001




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