B.Are you a broad-minded person? Check yourself. Which statements about Australia, its population, flora and fauna are true? Discuss them with your partner.
· Western Australia, the largest state in the country, is almost the same size as the entire Western Europe.
· Australia is the only continent that has an active volcano on it.
· The Winter season begins in the month of June, and the Summer season begins around Christmas time, on this continent.
· After Athens, the second most Greek populated area in the world is Melbourne.
· The first police force in Australia was made up of 12 people. These 12 were their best behaved convicts.
· The Koala and the Kookaburra, two animals unique only to Australia, are present on the coat of arms of Australia.
· The Tasmanian Devil is not only a fictional cartoon character. Actually, it is the smallest carnivorous marsupial in the world, and can be found in Australia.