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A constitution is a set of rules and principles that define the powers of a government and the rights of the people. Its purpose is to set parameters of governmental power and the rights and duties of the citizens. Therefore, the constitution of any country will determine the system of government in that country. The principles outlined in a constitution, form the basis of constitutional law. Constitutional law also includes official rulings on how the principles of a nation’s constitution are to be interpreted and carried out.

Because the rules of a constitution are laws of fundamental importance, it is not surprising that they are often embodied in a single written document. Thus, for example, the Constitution of the United States was reduced to writing in 1787 and the document, which comprises it, lays down the fundamental law of America today.

Most countries have a written constitution. A major exception is Great Britain. The British Constitution is unwritten. The statement that U. K. Constitution is written does not mean that the British possess no important constitutional documents. It merely means that the constitution is not embodied in any single document, or series of documents, containing their essential laws. It consists of all documents and traditions that have contributed to Britain’s form of government.

In most democracies, the national constitution takes first place over all other laws. In the United States, the federal constitution has force over all state constitutions as well as other national and state laws.

Conflicts between a constitution and other laws are settled by constitutional law. In the United States, the courts have the power of judicial review, under which they may overturn any laws that are judged to be unconstitutional. A law is declared unconstitutional if the court determines that it violates the United States Constitution. The United States Supreme Court is the nation’s highest court of judicial review.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine supervises over the strict observance and application of the Constitution of Ukraine. The Constitutional Court settles the questions about the conformity of laws and other legal acts with the Constitution of Ukraine and gives official interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine.





judicial, adj. 1. pertaining to courts of law or to judges. 2. proper to the character of a judge. 3. decreed, sanctioned, or enforced by a court: the judicial bench (the judges); judicial proceedings against smb. (bring a law against him); a judicial separation; a judicial review.

Syn. legal, juridical, official


constitution, n. system of government; laws and principles according to which a state is governed: Great Britain has an unwritten constitution. The USA has a written constitution.

Syn. basic law, structure, form


constitutional, adj. of the constitution of a state, organization, etc.: constitutional government; a constitutional ruler; constitutional reform.

Syn. statutory, charted, vested Ant. unconstitutional


apply, v. 1. put into use or into position to serve its purpose: to apply a rule to a case. 2. ask to be given: to apply for a position (for information, etc.); to apply to the Consul for a visa. You may apply in person or by letter.

Syn. request, appeal; use


application, n. 1. making a request: A complete list of new books may be had on application to the publishers. We made an application to the court for an inquiry; application form (form to be filled in when applying for smth.). 2. the use to which something is put (putting on one thing to another); substance used: The oil for external application only. Both cold and hot applications are used to help people who are in pain. 3. bringing (of a rule, etc.) to bear on a case; using: the application of the rule to this case; the application of a discovery (a new process, etc.) to industry.

Syn. request, appeal; use




Exercise 1. Consult a dictionary and transcribe the following words.


purpose written review application

define exception violate conformity

government contribute determine supervise

official judicial legal observance


Exercise 2. Find in the text international words and translate them into Ukrainian.


Exercise 3. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate them into Ukrainian.


Exercise 4. Select the word or word combination best suited to the context. Use the Reference List.


Reference List


Constitutional Court (2) judicial review apply

interpretation applications (2) courts

judges legal relations administered

judicial decisions judicial proceedings legal at

Constitution of Ukraine application form jurisdiction


1. The Queen’s Bench Division, which is concerned with contract and tort cases, and deals with … for … .

2. If the … receives new … or proposals based on decisions already rendered then those applications are not accepted.

3. The Chairman of the … is elected by his fellow … for a three-year term, and cannot be reelected.

4. According to the … justice in Ukraine is … exclusively by the courts.

5. The … of the courts extends to all … that arise in the state.

6. … are performed by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and courts of general jurisdiction.

7. … are adopted by the … in the name of Ukraine and are mandatory for execution throughout the entire territory of Ukraine.

8. I would like to … for a position of a manager in your company.

9. Fill in the … , please.


Exercise 5. Find the sentences in the text containing the word combinations and phrases given below. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up sentences with these word combinations.


to define the powers written constitution

the system of government unwritten constitution

official rulings constitutional laws

to settle conflicts judicial review

the conformity of laws to overturn law


Exercise 6. Match the words and their definitions.


define - explanation or meaning


violate - to join with others in giving (help,

money, etc. to a common cause); to give

(ideas, suggestions)


supervise - to explain the meaning of (e.g. words);

to state or show clearly


interpretation - to watch and direct (work, workers, an



contribute - to break (a law, an oath, a treaty, etc.)


Exercise 7. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


1. fundamental law 1. правовий акт

2. a set of rules 2. конституційний документ

3. to settle conflicts 3. застосування; вживання

4. judicial review 4. наглядати

5. constitutional documents 5. офіційні вказівки

6. conformity of laws 6. судовий перегляд

7. legal act 7. збірник законів

8. application 8. порушувати закон

9. official riling 9. повноваження

10. to be judged 10. основний закон

11. писана конституція

12. відповідність законів

13. бути визначеним судом

14. втілювати

15. вирішувати суперечки


Exercise 8. Translate the following words and word combinations into English or Ukrainian.


Конституційне право; збірник правил; to carry out; визначати повноваження; written constitution; to interpret principles; офіційні вказівки; вирішувати суперечки; system of government; fundamental law; major exception; форма правління; твердження; state law; to declare; порушувати закон; судовий перегляд; to supervise over; application of the constitution; суворе дотримання; відповідність законів; legal act; конституційний суд України; давати офіційне тлумачення.


Exercise 9. Pick up pairs of synonyms.


Democracy; law; constitution; to define; conflict; interpretation; to supervise; to violate; purpose; government; to carry out; to apply; application; judicial; constitutional; power; to possess; to include; importance; to reduce; to contribute; review; conformity; to declare; to overturn.


Rule; to determine; explanation; to break; administration; to use; legal; competence; to comprise; to cut down; analysis; to proclaim; to overthrow; correspondence; to give; significance; to own; statutory; use (request); to fulfil; aim; to watch; dispute; basic law; society.


Exercise 10. Pick up pairs of antonyms.


To include; written; to reduce; legal; to violate; constitutional; observance; conflict; to contribute; importance; fundamental; to comprise; to overturn; official; right; often.


Unwritten; illegal; unconstitutional; peace; insignificance; to except; unofficial; seldom; duty; to preserve; auxiliary; to ignore; disregard; to obey; to enlarge; to exclude.


Exercise 11. State if the following sentences are True or False. Correct them if necessary.

1. A constitution is a set of rules and principles that define the powers of a government and rights of the people. (T; F)

2. The principles outlined in a constitution form the basis of administrative law. (T; F)

3. Great Britain has written constitution like other countries. (T; F)

4. Conflicts between private citizens and a state are settled by constitutional law. (T; F)

5. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine supervises over the strict observance and application of the Constitution of Ukraine. (T; F)


Exercise 12. Read the text. Choose the best answers.


1. The constitution of any country determines …

a) legal rights and obligations of different corporations.

b) the system of government in that country.

c) the powers of police agencies.


2. Constitutional law includes official rulings on …

a) how the laws of a country are to be adopted.

b) how to ensure people’s personal rights and obligations.

c) how the principles of a nation’s constitution are to be interpreted and carried out.


3. The British Constitution is …

a) unwritten.

b) written.

c) embodied in a single written document.


4. In the United States the courts have the power …

a) to abolish laws.

b) of judicial review.

c) to supervise over the judicial system.


5. The … of Ukraine settles the questions about the conformity of laws and other legal acts with the Constitution of Ukraine.

a) Verkhovna Rada

b) Supreme Court

c) Constitutional Court


Exercise 13. Answer the following questions on the text.


1. What is a constitution?

2. What is the purpose of a constitution?

3. What is the basis of constitutional law?

4. What does the constitutional law include?

5. What can you say about the Constitution of the USA?

6. What constitutions do most nations have?

7. What can you say about the constitution of Great Britain?

8. What does it mean “unwritten constitution”?

9. What constitution takes first place over all other laws in most democracies?

10. What conflicts are settled by constitutional law?

11. What power do the courts in the United States have?

12. When law is declared unconstitutional?

13. What is the highest court of judicial review in the USA?

14. What are the functions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine?

15. What questions are settled by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine?


Exercise 15. Match the beginning and the end of the proverbs and sayings. Find the appropriate translation given below. Comment on their meaning.


1. Every man … 1. that ye be not judged.

2. The more laws … 2. has his faults.

3. Judge not … 3. the more offenders.


1. Більше законів, більше злочинців.

2. Нема чоловіка без вади.

3. Не суди, і тебе не осудять (бібл.).


Exercise 16. Topics for discussion.


1. Speak about the purpose of a constitution.

2. Speak about the basis of constitutional law.

3. Speak about constitutional law.

4. Speak about the Constitution of the USA.

5. Speak about the Constitution of Great Britain.

6. Speak about conflicts between a constitution and other laws.

7. Speak about the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.


Legal Terms to Be Memorized


constitution конституція

written // unwritten constitution писана // неписана конституція

constitutional // unconstitutional конституційний//неконституційний

constitutional law конституційне право

to declare law unconstitutional проголошувати закон


to apply; application застосовувати; звертатись;

застосування; заява

judicial / court / legal судовий

judicial review судовий перегляд

to define the powers визначати повноваження

rights and duties of the citizens права і обов’язки громадян

official rulings офіційні вказівки (інструкції)

to interpret (the principles, laws) тлумачити (принципи, закони)

to give official interpretation давати офіційне тлумачення

fundamental law основний закон

form of government форма правління

to settle conflicts (questions) вирішувати суперечки (питання)

to overturn law відміняти закон

to be judged бути визначеним судом

to violate law порушувати закон

to supervise (over) наглядати (за)

strict observance and application of the constitution

суворе дотримання і застосування конституції

the conformity of laws and legal acts відповідність законів і правових



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