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VIII. Fill the gaps with an appropriate word from the list.

offer a) choose a ___________ in computers

interview b) go for an ___________

experience c) go into ____________

reference d) to get a ___________ as a waiter

career e) to get the ___________

management f) to earn a decent weekly ____________

salary g) to get an annual ____________ increase

trainee h) to get a ___________ at sixty-five

qualifications i) to win ___________

promotion j) to get a good ___________ from your tutor

sack k) to have the right ___________ for the job

pension l) to have two years’ relevant ___________

job m) to accept an ___________of a job

wage n) to take a young person on as a ___________

IX. Study this chart and then do the exercise that follows.

Verb Meaning Example
carry out smth; carry smth out do something that needs to be done Those repairs must be carried out.
deal with smb do business with someone, or take an action to do with work In my job, I have to deal with a lot of different people.
deal with smth take the correct action to complete a piece of work or solve a problem The problem is being dealt with.
get on be successful in one's career If you want to get on in your career, you’ll have to work hard.
take on work; take work on agree to do a job You’ve taken on too much work - slow down a bit.
take smb on employ someone We’re taking ten waiters on this summer.
take over continue doing someone else's job Who will take over now that Smith has resigned?
take up a post start working at a new job She took up her first teaching post in 2011.
turn down to refuse an offer, to гeject I applied for a place on the computer course but they turned me down.

Replace the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the table above. Make any other changes necessary.

1. After looking at his qualifications, they decided to offer him the job.

2. He’s doing far too much, and will make himself ill.

3. I started work here five years ago.

4. Who do you think is going to be the new director when Santana retires?

5. Will you handle any complaints while I’m away?

6. She did all the tasks successfully.

7. They were going to hire him but he rejected the offer.

8. You need a good education if you want to succeed in life.

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<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
VI. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. | X. Writing your CV (resume).

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