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A) Read, translate and reproduce the following dialogue.

Anil:I thought it was very productive.

Juliet: Well, I thought it was a complete waste of time. I didn't hear anything I didn't already know.

Barbara: I agree with Anil. I felt we had some very useful discussions, and that we reached an agreement that was good for both sides. We certainly covered a lotof ground.It was incredible the number of things we got through.

Julet: But there were too many digressions.John was rambling and kept wandering off the point. He just uses meetings as a chance to show off. Just like a lot of men: he just wanted to show how powerful he isand what a good talker he is.

Anil: But to be fair, the chair really kept things moving: she encouraged people to be brief and to stick to the point and we achieved a lot in a short time. Anyway, I learned a lot and I think they listened to what we had to say.


B) Discuss one of the meetings you have had.


XI. Types of meetings. Match 1-9 with (a) - (i).


1) chat a) meeting of employees involved in a particular activity

2) brainstorming b) a meeting, for example, to discuss a contract

3) project meeting/ team meeting   4) meeting with suppliers   5) meeting with a customer c) a meeting, for example, to negotiate prices for an order d) a shareholders’ meeting to discuss an important issue such as a proposed merger e) a meeting of employers of the same department
6) board meeting 7) Annual General Meeting/ AGM (BrE); annual meeting (AmE) f) an official, formal meeting of a company’s directors g) informal discussion with colleagues at the coffee machine
8) EGM (extraordinary general meeting) 9) department/ departmental Meeting h) meeting where shareholders discuss the company’s annual report i) discussion among colleagues: where as many ideas as possible are produced quickly, to be evaluated later  

XII. Read the sentences. At which type of meeting would you be most likely to hear each of these things?

1.I'm pleased to announce another good year for shareholders of this company.

2. I know this sounds crazy, but how about giving away 100,000 free samples? 3. Things in the sales department are getting out of control. We should all start making a real effort. 4. So, you think you can provide 10,000 a month at a unit cost of £4.90? 5. Have you heard? Suzanne is being fired: apparently her sales figures aren't good enough. 6. That's a deal then. Looking forward to working with you. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. 7. Amazingly, we're ahead of schedule on this project. 8. I recommend to shareholders that you accept Megabook's offer for our company. 9. As you know, Megabook wants to buy this company. As chief financial officer, what do you think of their offer, Salem?


XIII. Decide which of the alternatives (A-E) each speaker is talking about. Write the letter of your answer in the box at the end of the sentence. You will have to use some alternatives more than once.

A - board meeting
B - departmental meeting
C - annual general meeting
D - extraordinary general meeting
E - Brainstorming  

1) We tried to produce as many ideas as possible for the new

marketing campaign.


2) All the Sales team get together once a month see how

everything is going.


3) We had to get all the shareholders together at short notice to

discuss the merger plans.


4) The annual report and the company's accounts were presented

to the shareholders.


5) The directors met in May to discuss restructuring the


6) Two new non-executive directors were appointed at the

annual meeting.


7) The debt crisis was so bad that we had to have an emergency

meeting for all members.


8) We came up with lots of new ideas. Most were crazy but some

are worth developing.


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