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The human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and intestine, and sometimes to all the structures from the mouth to the anus. (The “digestive system’ is a broader term that includes other structures, including the accessory organs of digestion).
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract consists of the upper and lower GI tracts. The tract may also be divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The upper gastrointestinal tract consists of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. The lower gastrointestinal tract includes most of the small intestine and all of the large intestine. According to some sources, it also includes the anus.
Small intestine, which has three parts:
· Duodenum - Here the digestive juices from pancreas (digestive enzymes) and gallbladder (bile) mix together. The digestive enzymes break down proteins and bile emulsifies fats into micelles. Duodenum contains Brunner's glands which produce bicarbonate and pancreatic juice contains bicarbonate to neutralize hydrochloric acid of stomach.
· Jejunum - It is the midsection of the intestine, connecting duodenum to ileum. Contain plicae circulares, and villi to increase surface area.
· Ileum - It has villi, where all soluble molecules are absorbed into the blood (capillaries and lacteals).
Large intestine, which has three parts:
· Cecum (the vermiform appendix is attached to the cecum).
· Colon (ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid flexure). The main function of colon is to absorb water, but it also contains bacteria that produce beneficial vitamins like Vitamin K.