Do you like spending evenings in front of the TV eating and drinking while you watch hour after hour of television programmes?
If so, you have already become a “Couch Potato”! The Couch Potatoes are special group of TV viewers in America who believe that the more television you watch the better. These people sometimes sit in front of the box for twelve hours nonstop. One group of Couch Potatoes in San Francisco meets regularly to watch nine different television sets at the same time. This is no problem in America because in some areas you can watch over fifty TV programmes.
Usually the Couch Potatoes just sit in front of the TV with enough Coke to drink and as many bags potato chips as they can eat.
Why do they watch so much TV? Jack Mingo, one of the leaders of the Couch Potatoes says, “It makes sense to watch a lot of TV because life is too short to do everything you want to do. More things happen on TV in a month than could possibly happen in your whole life!”